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July Board of Director Meeting

A Mariner House Board of Directors meeting was held via Conference on Tuesday, July 13, 2021.  All Board members were present with the exception of Marty DeMartino.   Property Manager Tracy Canty also attended.  President Bill Hathaway called the meeting was called to order at 5:10 pm.  Elizabeth Jackson moved to accept the March minutes; seconded by Eileen Fox, and passed unanimously.


  • Nantucket is busier than it has been in years. Over 100,000 people are estimated to be on Island. Open shops are short-staffed.  Mariner House is busy with full occupancy,
  • COVID tests are done monthly; 19,700 vaccines have been distributed to date.
  • Storm Elsa barely grazed Nantucket; 55 mph gusts but little rain.
  • Con Com wants geo tubes (installed for protection of homes) removed from Sconset Beach because agreed-upon standards are not being followed.
  • Portuguese Man (Men?) -o-war have been reported off the south shore beaches.



  • The signature page on MH By-laws must be signed by the President of Board. This ensures that any issue brought to the ownership that could result in amendment of the By-laws is handled officially and appropriately.
  • A memo regarding potential changes is being prepared by our attorney to be sent to owners in advance of the annual meeting.
  • We are struggling to find the most expeditious/least expensive ways to legally recover intervals left abandoned by owners who are deceased, missing or otherwise inaccessible so said intervals can be sold. Possible options include foreclosure, Certificate of Entry, or deed transfer, all of which are complex and expensive.



  • Necessary Repairs: (Bill Hathaway is securing estimates.) Because of COVID, owners were not assessed in 2020 or 2021 for necessary capital repairs.  An assessment will most likely be included in the 2022 Capital Plan.

-The front door needs replacement.  Given its size, a new door must be custom-made.

– Aurora is the next unit needed major renovation, including floor replacement because of dry rot, new carpeting, and other structural problems.


  • The 2021 Annual Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, October 16 at the Hy-Line Conference Room. Packets will be sent to owners in advance.
  • There being no other items of discussion, Mark Thurston made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Kerric Harvey. The meeting was adjourned at 5:42 PM.


Respectfully submitted,

Gloria Kunz, Secretary


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