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A Mariner House Board of Directors meeting was held via Conference on Tuesday, August 10, 2021.  Board members present were Bill Hathaway, Kerric Harvey, Eileen Fox, Gloria Kunz, and Elizabeth Jackson.  Property Manager Tracy Canty also attended.  A quorum being present, President Bill Hathaway called the meeting to order at 5:05 pm.  Eileen Fox moved to accept the July minutes, seconded by Kerric Harvey and passed unanimously.


  • There is a COVID surge on the Island. A mandatory face mask policy has been implemented, as well as occupancy limits.  Several restaurants have closed because of Covid issues.
  • The airport ran out of jet fuel causing an issue with private planes.
  • Island planners are taking a look at planned large events in September and October, with the possibility of some being either cancelled or scaled down.
  • Mariner House is busy, with nearly full occupancy.
  • Two members of the Board will complete their terms this year.
  • The rotten gutter over the India Street side of the building will be replaced with fiberglass, which will be in compliance.



  • The signature page on MH By-laws must be signed by the President of Board. This ensures that any issue brought to the ownership that could result in amendment of the By-laws is handled officially and appropriately.
  • Tracy will check with attorney as to appropriate clarification of unanimous vs. majority nomenclature in By-Laws, and whether or not this can be changed.
  • A memo regarding potential changes to the By-Laws, as well as clarification of why we are marrying covenants into the By-Laws, is being prepared by our attorney to be sent to owners in advance of the annual meeting.
  • Our attorney is working on moving forth with a less costly way to do deed transfers rather than foreclosures.



  • Necessary Repairs: Because of COVID, owners were not assessed in 2020 or 2021 for necessary capital repairs.  An assessment will most likely be included in the 2022 Capital Plan.
  • Bill Steadman is securing costs for major repairs, including the renovation of the Aurora unit. This will be included in the 2022 Capital Plan.
  • The front door replacement will be deferred until 2023.


  • The 2021 Annual Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, October 16 at the Hy-Line Conference Room. Packets will be sent to owners in advance.  Lunch will be served at 11:00 AM, with the meeting to begin at Noon.  Arrangements will be made for conferencing.

There being so other items to discuss, Eileen Fox moved to adjourn the meeting at 5:48 PM, seconded by Elizabeth Jackson and passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,

Gloria Kunz, Secretary

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