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Mariner House Official Notice of Owners Meeting 2021

If you cannot attend the Annual Meeting being held on October 16, 2021, to ensure your views are represented please
sign and return the proxy below by email to by mail to Canty Property Management, 56
Cato Lane, Nantucket, MA 02554, or fax it to {508} 825-0881.
Please either circle “‘The Board of Directors- Of write in the name of the person acting on your behaH.
I/We authorize
1. The Board of Directors
2. The Person authorized on your behalf to vote via Proxy
I/We authorize; (Name of person holding your proxy) ________________ To act on
my/our behalf with this proxy vote at the Annual Meeting of Mariner House condominium Association, scheduled
for noon at the Hy-Line Terminal Conference Room, 220 Ocean Street, Hyannis, MA.
Signed: ________________________________ _
Print Names:
lnterval/Unit(s) owned; ____________ Date: _____________ _
VOTE for Two
Bill Hathaway (Incumbent)

R.J. Lyerly

Tammy Rausch

Jennifer Schade

The members of the Board of Directors invite you to attend the upcoming owners meeting.
Pursuant to Sections 1 , 2, 4 and 5 of Article Ill of the Bylaws of the Moiner House Condominium
Association, notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Mariner House owners will
be held at the Hyline Terminal, 220 Ocean Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 in their conference room
on Saturday, October 16, 2021 with the following agenda: Please note a boxed lunch will be
served at 11 :00 and the meeting will start at noon.
(a) Roll call and determination of quorum
(b) Proof of notice of meeting
(c) Reading or waiver of reading of minutes of preceding meeting
{d) Report of Officers:
( 1} President (2) Treasurer (3) Secretary
(4) Property Manager (5) Facilities caretaker
(e) Report of Board of Directors
(f) Report of Committees:
(l ) Decorating
(g) Election of Members of the Board of Directors
(1 )Terms ending 2021- Elizabeth Jackson, Bill Hathaway
(2) Two open seats
(h) Unfinished Business
( 1 ) Survey to determine position of sale
(I) Budget
( 1 ) Year end results 2020
(2)January-September 2021
(3) Proposed 2022 Budgetsa.
Operating Budget
b. Capital Budget
{J) New Business
( 1} Adoption of amended and reinstated by-laws
(2) Bection of Board Members
( 1 ) Other new Business
(K) Adjourn
from New York City area follow Route 95 to Providence, RI; Route 195 to Wareham, MA;
Route 25 to the Bourne Bridge (follow signs for Cape & Islands); Route 6 to Exit 6; Route 132
into Hyannis. At Airport Rotary, take your second right onto Barnstable Road; this road turns
into Ocean Street; Hy-Line’s ferry terminal is 1-1 /.4 miles from rotary. on the left across from
the Hyannis Harbor Hotel. The trip is approximately 5 hours. depending on traffic.
From Boston area follow Route 3 (Southeast Expressway) to Route 6 over the Sagamore
Bridge to Exit 6; Route 132 into Hyannis. At Airport Rotary take your second right onto
Barnstable Road; this road turns into Ocean Street. Hy-Line’s ferry terminal is 1-1/4 miles from
the rotary on the left across from the Hyannis Harbor Hotel. The trip is approximately 1-1 /2
hours. depending on traffic.
Parking at Hyline Terminal- parking will be in lot # 2 located on Nantucket Street. (Go through
the lights approximately a quarter mile take a right off of Ocean Street onto Nantucket Street.)
Phone Conference Option: sat, Oct 16,2021 11AM – 2:00 PM (EDT)
The Mariner’s House Annual Meeting
Sat, Oct 16, 2021 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM (EDT)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
https://g lobal. gotomeeting. com/join/524598469
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (872) 240-3311
Access Code: 524-598-469
New to Go T oMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting
Bill Hathaway, President
Gloria Kunz. Sec retary
Cash Basis
The land, building and aII structures and improvements located at 30 Centre Street Nantucket
Massachusetts was originally submitted to the provisions of the General Laws of Massachusetts.
Chapter l 83A, under a Master Deed dated July 29. 1981. recorded at the Nantucket Registry of
Deeds on August 10, 198L in Book 184. Page 219. with annexed exhibits including a Legal
Description, a Description of Units. and Rules and Regulations for the condominium know11 as
the Mariner House. Recorded together with the Master Deed and exhibits were instruments
entitled Declaration ofCovemmts and Restrictions, Bylaws, and Interval Ownership and
Management Contract.
The Master Deed established the six (6) condominium units and provided the designation and
description for the condominium units and common areas and facilities of the Mariner House and
the undivided interest of the respective unit owners in the common areas and facilities. The
Master Deed further provided that each condominium unit was to be conveyed in twenty-four
(24) separate and distinct units of ownership with each unit referred to as an Interval.
The Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions contained provisions relating to the separate unit
Interval ownership, the use, occupancy and conveyance of an lntervaL organization of Interval
owners as members of the Mariner House Condominium Association, governing Board and
Officers of the Association. meetings budgets, common charges, maintenance and management
of the Mariner House. The Dclaration expired by its terms on January l, 2011.
The Bylaws similarly contained provisions as to the organization of lnterval owners under the
Master Deed, creation of the Mariner House Condominium Association, the rules and regulations
governing the Association with terms regarding membership. responsibilities, power and
authority of Board Otlicers, Property Management, Interval Unit Owners, assessment and
payment of common charges. restrictions as to use, occupancy, conveyance and right of access to
the separate units and common areas and facilities. approval of alterations, additions and
improvements and allocation of costs and insurance proceeds for repairs, damage restoration and
general maintenance ofthe units and common areas and facilities. and other provisions and terms
as to meetings. notices, etc.
The original Bylaws were subsequently amended by vote of the Association unit owners on
October 29. 2005, November 16. 2010. and again on December 13, 2014, as more particularly
shown on the Amended and Restated Bylaws accompanying this Memo. The multiple and often
times redundant provisions set forth in the original Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions
and the original Bylaws. as amended from time to time. became problematic and challenging to
the Association in the governance of the Mariner House.
The purpose and intent of the Amended and Restated Bylaws was for ease of reference and
benefit of clear understanding with one recorded instrument that supersedes the original Bylaws
and subsequent recorded amendments. and incorporates the Mariner House rules, regulations and
restrictions. the organization and operation of the Mariner House Condominium Association,
board managers and management authority. rights and responsibilities. and the rights. obligations
and responsibilities of the Interval unit owners.
Nantuc~ Massachusetts
Section l. Continued Organization of Condominium. Unit Interval Owners. The Mariner House
Condominium is located at 30 Centre Street, Nantucket, Massachusetts (the “Condominium”),
and was created under the Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, by Master Deed dated
July 29, 1981, recorded at the Nantucket Comrty Registry of Deeds on August 10, 1981, in Book
184, Page 219, with annexed original Bylaws dated July 29, 1981. These Amended and Restated
Bylaws, (the “Bylaws”), including all rules and regulations contained and set forth herein, are
adopted to supersede the Bylaws originally enacted on July 29, 1981, amended on October 29,
2005, recorded at the Registry on April 3, 2006, in Book 1014, Page 73, amended on November
16, 2010, recorded at the Registry on November 22, 2010, in Book 1255, Page 269, and amended
on December 13, 2014, recorded at said Registry on March 3, 2015, in Book 1473, Page 291,
and shall be effective as of the date of recording at the Nantucket County Regjstry of Deeds.
Section 2. Property of Condominium.. The term “Property” as used in these Bylaws shall include
the land, the building. and all structures thereon and improvements thereto, (including the
separate condominium units and the common areas and facilities), and all easements, rights, and
appurtenances thereto, and all other property, personal or mixed, intended for use in connection
therewith. all of which are submitted to the provisions of Chapter lSJA of the General Laws of
the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The Condominium, as created, was intended to allow for
multi-ownership of the Property and is comprised of six ( 6) condominium units and referred to
herein as the “Condominium”, or sometimes the “Condominium Units”, or separately as the
Condominium Unit”), and all located in a single building; each of the six ( 6) Condominium
Units is divided into twenty-four (24) tmits, for a total of one hundred forty-four (144) separate
and distinct units of ownership; each unit of ownership is referred to herein as an “Interval”; and
each such Interval is owned by an ‘”Interval Owner”. The designation, location, approximate
area, number of rooms, and percentage interest of the Condominium Units is provided in the
Master Deed, with annexed exhibits, as may be amended from time to time.
Section 3. Interval. An Interval consists of two (2) or three (3) weeks of each calendar year. A
week is defined as that period of seven (7) days commencing at 4 P.M. on Friday and ending at
10 A.M. on the succeeding Friday. Week number one (l) is the seven (7) day period, as
aforesaid, commencing on the first Friday in July of each fiscal year. Week number hvo (2) is the
seven (7) day period next succeeding. Weeks numbered three (3) through fifty-one (51) are
computed in like manner and week number fifty-two (52) is the seven (7) day period succeeding
week number fifty-one (51). Any excess days not otherwise assigned will become a continuation
of the last week in December and the right of use will belong to the Interval Owner of that week
until the first owned Interval in January commences. The twenty-four (24) Intervals for each of
the six (6) Condominium Units and their corresponding designated weeks during each calendar
year are set forth in an Interval Calendar maintained by the Board, and such Interval Calendar
may be amended or modified, fiom time to time. Each Interval Owner, by the acceptance of the
deed conveying said Interval, covenants and agrees to use, enjoy and occupy the Interval subject
to these Bylaws, as may be amended from time to time, and any rules and regulations
promulgated by the Board of Directors of the Association and all acts and duties exercised by the
Board under Article II, Section 2, and by authority and power specifically granted to a Property
Manager employed by the Association Board of Directors under Article II, Section 3, as may be
amended and modified from time to time, for the benefit of all Interval Owners. and particularly
the rules and regulations,. and enforcement of same, as to dates and time of occupancy and
vacating an Interval within each Condominium Unit on the Property.
The purchaser of an Interval by conveyance of a deed, with quitclaim covenants, acquires
a one twenty-fourth (lfl4) undivided interest in the fee of the designated Condominium Unit as a
tenant in common with all other Interval Owners of the respective Condominium Unit, subject to
the Condominium Bylaws and rules and regulations (including all terms, conditions, covenants,
and agreements), as the same may be amended from time to time, for the benefit of all Interval
Owners and their heirs, devisees, successors and assigns.
Each purchaser and owner of an Interval and his/her/its/their devisees, successors and
assigns, shall have the exclusive right to use and occupy said Condominimn Unit during the tenn
of the Interval. No owner of an Interval shall occupy the Condominium Unit O£ exercise any
other rights of ownership with respect to such Unit, and the furniture, furnishings and equipment
contained therein, other than the rights herein provided during any other Interval 1Illles.5 expressly
so authorized by the owner of the other Interval. Each Interval Owner shall keep the
Condominium Unit and all furniture, furnishings and equipment contained therein in good
condition and repair and shall commit no waste thereof during the term of Interval ownership
and shall vacate the Condominium Unit on the dates and times established and set forth in the
Interval Calendar maintained by the Board. as may be amended and modified from time to time.
Upon vacating the Condominium Unit, the Interval Owner shalJ remove all personal property
therefrom, excluding the said furniture, furnishings and equipment. leave the Unit in a good and
clean condition and repair, and otherwise comply with such reasonable occupancy rules and
procedures as shall from time to time be established and acted upon by the Board of Directors of
the Association under Article II, Section 2, and by authority and power specifically granted to a
Property Manager employed by the Association Board of Directors under Article II, Section 3,
for the benefit of the Mariner House Condominium Association and all Interval Owners.
Each purchaser of an Interval and each Interval Owner, by acceptance of a deed of
conveyance of title to an Interval in a Condominium Unit shall, for the Interval Ow-ner and
hislher!itsltbeir heirs, devisees. successors and assigns, covenant, consent and agree to and with
all Interval Owners of each Condominium Unit to waive and relinquish, all rights which said
Interval Owner may now have or hereafter acquire to cause a judicial partition of such Interval
ownership. No Interval Owner or other person or entity acquiring any right, title or interest in an
Interval shall seek or obtain through any legal proceeding, a judicial partition of an Interval;
provided, however, nothing shall prohibit the judicial sale of an Interval owned by two or more
persons in lieu of partition as between such co-owners of an Interval. Each Interval Owner may
convey, lease, assign mortgage, devise or otherwise transfer his/her/its/their entire interest in an
Interval, subject to and with the benefit of these Bylaws, and rules and regulations contained
herein, as may be amended from time to time.
Section 4. Nrune of Association. The Mariner House Condominium Association of Interval
Owners, an association created to manage and regulate the Condominium Property under the
Master Deed originally submitted to the provisions of Chapter 183A of the General Laws of the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, shall continue to be named and known as “Mariner House
Condominium Association”‘ and is sometimes referred to herein as the “Marine£ House
Association” or the “Association”.
Section 5. Purpose of Association. The Association is comprised of all Condominium Units
Interval Ovvners of the Mariner House Condominium and used by them to manage and regulate
the Condominium on a not-for-profit basis. Each Condominium Unit Interval Owner shall have
the same percentage interest in the Association as the Interval Owner’s respective interest in the
common areas and facilities provided in the Master Deed, as may be amended from time to time.
Section 6. Applicability. 1be provisions of these Bylaws shall govern the Association and the
Condominium Unit Interval Owners, and shall apply to the Condominium Property and its use
and occupancy. All present and future owners, mortgagees, lessees and occupants of Intervals,
and his/her/its/their agents, representatives, assigns, employees, agents and any other users of the
Condominium Units and the common areas and facilities, in any manner, shall be subject to the
provisions of the Master Deed, these Bylaws and any rules and regulations adopted pursuant
thereto, as may be amended from time to time. 1be acceptance of a deed of conveyance of an
Interval, or the entering into of a lease or the act of occupancy of a Condominium Unit Interval,
shall constitute an understanding and agreement that the provisions of the Master Deed. and
these Bylaws, and all rules and regulations promulgated and enacted thereto, as may be amended
from time to time, are ackoowledged, accepted, ratified, and will be complied with for the
benefit of the Association and aJl Condominium Units Interval Owners.
Section 7. Office. The office of record of the Condominium is 30 Centre Street, Nantucket, MA
02554. The office of the Association and the Board of Directors shall be the office ofthe
Property Manager of the Condominium as shall be selected by the Board of Directors.
Board of Directors
Section I. Number. The business and affairs of the Association shall be administered and
managed by a Board of Directors, (the “Board”), consisting of not fewer than three (3) nor more
than seven (7) persons elected by the members of the Association including proxies at the
Association’s Annual Meeting. The Directors in office as of the date of these Bylaws, shall
continue in office until expiration of their respective terms. At the expiration of each Director’s
term, the membership shall elect the expiring Board Director’s successor. The term of office of
each Board Director shall be three (3) years. Members may be reelected to serve a succeeding
term or terms as Board Directors. Vacancies occurring during a Board member’s term as a
Director shall be filled by appointment by the Officers of the Association for the unexpired term
of the vacating member, subject to confirmation or other candidate selection at the next
following Annual Meeting of Interval Owners.
Section 2. Powers and Duties. The Board shall represent and act for the Association in all
matters. The Board shall have the powers and authority necessary for the administration of the
affairs of the Condominium and may do all such acts and things except as by law or by the
Master Deed or by these Bylaws may not be delegated to the Board. Such rights, powers,
authority, and duties of the Board shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following, all of
which shall be exercised subject to the provisions of these Bylaws:
(a) Operation, care, upkeep and maintenance of the common areas and facilities.
(b) Determination of the common expenses for the :administration of the affairs of the
Condominium and Association and maintenance of the Property.
( c) Collection of the common charges which, for the purpose of these Bylaws, shall mean
such portion of the common expenses as are allocable to the respective Condominium
Unit of Interval Owners.
( d) Employment and dismissal of the personnel necessary tor the maintenance and
operation of the common areas and facilities.
( e) Adoption and amendment of rules and regulations covering the details of the
operation and use of the Property.
(f) Opening of bank accounts on behalf of the Association and designating the
signatories required therefor.
(g) Purchasing of a Condominium Unit Interval at foreclosure or other judicial sale, or
acquiring an Interval by a deed in lieu of foreclosure, in the name of the Association.
or the Trustee(s) ofthe Mariner House Condominium Association Realty Trust dated
March 5, 1996, recorded at the Nantucket Registry of Deeds on June 11, 1996, in
Book 507, page 71, as may be amended, from time to time (the “Trust”), or nominee,
corporate or otherwise, on behalf of all Condominium Unit Interval Owners.
(h) Organizing corporations or trusts to act as nominees of the Association in acquiring
title to or leasing of Condominium Units on behalf of all Interval Owners.
(i) Obtaining of insurance pursuant to the provisions of Article V hereof.
(j) Making ofrepairs to and restoration of the Property in accordance with the other
provisions of these Bylaws after damage or destruction by fire or other casualty or as
a result of condemnation or eminent domain proceeding:;.
(k) Making of repairs, additions, improvements or alterations to the common areas and
(1) Purchasing or leasing or otherwise acquiring in the name of the Association or Trust
or its nominee, corporate or otherwise, on behalf of the Condominium Unit Interval
Owners, at the discretion of the Association or Trust. unit(s) of Intervals offered for
sale or surrendered by the owners, or successors in interest therein, to the Board.
(m) Retaining of attorneys, title examiners or other professional persons or entities to
take appropriate action to protect the interests of the Condominium or the
Association, to quiet title on an Interval where a cloud or disputed claim exists to
secure valid title to an Interval, or interest therein, in order to obtain good, dear
record and marketable title, including but not limited to the preparation of and
recording of appropriate documents to effect a discharge or release of a mortgage,
lien, or other encumbrance which in good faith and after reasonable investigation the
Boord believes has been satisfied, or where the party or entity placing the mortgage or
lien on record is no longer in business, or if a corporation has been dissolved and the
claim has not been pursued for a period of five (5) or more years. The Board may
request the Association, or the Trustee(s) of the Mariner House Condominium
Association Realty Trust, or nominee, to take such action for the benefit of the
Condominium Unit Interval Owners.
Section 3. Property Manag . The Board shall employ or execute a contract with a qualified
person or agency referred to herein as the “Property Manager” to manage the Condominium
Property on behalf of the Board, the Association, and the Interval Owners. The terms and
conditions of employment or the contract shall be set by the Board including compensation,
duties and services as the Board shall authorize including. but not limited to, the duties listed in
this Article II, Section 2, subsections (a), (c), (d), (j) and (k), but excluding in any event all of the
powers granted to the Boord by subsections (b), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i), 0) and (m) of said Section 2.
which are reserved to the Boant One or more members of the Board may act as Property
Manager in the event of an inability or unavailability of the Property Manager to so act for any
reason during the period of inability or unavailability or until such time a successor Property
Manager may be selected and employed by the Board.
Section 4. Election and Term of Office. Subject to the provisions of this Article II, Section 1, at
the Annual Meeting of the Condominium Unit Interval Owners as provided in Artide 111, the
Interval Owners shall elect by majority vote members of the Board who shall hold office for
three (3) years or until their respective successors shall have been elected by the Interval Owners.
A member of the Board may be re-elected to serve for an additional term or terms.
Section 5. Removal of Members of the Board of Directors. At any regular Annual Meeting or
Special Meeting of Condominium Units Interval Owners, any one or more of the members of the
Boord may be removed for cause by majority vote of all Condominium Unit Interval Owners and
a successor may then and there, or thereafter, be elected by majority vote of the Interval Owners
( or be appointed in accordance with Article II, Section 1) to fill the vacancy thus created. Any
member of the Board whose removal has been proposed by the Interval Owneis shall be given an
opportunity to be heard at the meeting before a vote is taken by the Interval Owners.
Section 6. Resignation. Any member of the Board may resign at any time by an instrument in
writing signed and delivered to the remaining members of the Board, or if there are none, to the
Condominium Unit Interval Owners.
Section 7. Vacancies. Vacancies occurring during a Board member’s term shall be filled as
provided in this Article II, Section 1, or, if requested by a majority of the Interval Owners, shall
be filled at a Special Meeting of the Interval Owners called for such purpose.
Section 8. Acceptance of Membership on Board. Each new member of the Board shall execute
an instrument in recordable form indicating his/her acceptance of election and appointment as a
member oftbe Board and any trusts imposed hereby, and thereby agree to be bound by the
provisions of these Bylaws, as may be amended from time to time.
Section 9. Regular Meetings. Regular Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held as such
time and place as shall be determined by a majority of Board members or the call of the
President. Meetings may also be held via conference telephone call O£ videocooference. Notice
shall be given to each Board member via telephone or other electronic message not less than
twenty-four (24) hours prior to the scheduled meeting.
Section 10. Special Meetings. Special Meetings of the Board of Directors may be called in the
same manner as Regular Meetings.
Section 11. Waiver of Notice. The notice requirement provided in Sections 9 and 10 above may
be waived, with the acknowledgment of all Board members.
Section 12. Quorum of Board of Directors. At all meetings of the Board a majority of the Board
members thereof shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and the votes of a
majority of the members of the Board present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall
constitute a binding and enforceable decision by the Board.
Section 13. Fidelity Bonds. If required by majority vote of the Condominium Units Interval
Owners, the Board shall obtain adequate fidelity bonds for all officers and employees of the
Condominium handling or responsible for Condominium funds and shall cause any Property
Manager to obtain adequate fidelity bonds for persons handling or responsible for Condominium
funds. The premiums on such bonds for officers and employees of the Condominium shall
constitute a common expense shared by the Interval Owners as provided under Article II, Section
2 (b) and (c).
Section 14. Compensation. No member of the Board shall receive any compensation from the
Association for acting as such, but may be reimbursed for expenses incurred in the performance
of bis/her/their duties.
Section 15. Liability of the Board of Directors. The members of the Board shall not be liable to
the Interval Owners for any mistake of judgment,, negligence, or otherwise, except for
his/her/their willful misconduct or bad faith. The Interval Owners shall indemnify and hold
harmless each of the members of the Board against aJJ contractual liability to others arising out
of the contracts made by the Boord on behalf of the Association and Condominium unless any
such contract shall have been made in bad faith or contrary to the provisions of the Master Deed,
these Bylaws, or any rules and regulations thereto, as may be amended from time to time. It is
intended that the members of the Board shall have no personal liability with respect to any
contract made by them on behalf of the Association and Condominium other than his/her/their
respective liability as Interval Owner, if any. It is also intended that the liability of any Interval
Owner arising out of any contract made by the Board, or out of the aforesaid indemnity in favor
of the members of the Board, shall be limited to such proportion of the total liability thereunder
as his/her/its/their interest in the common areas and facilities bears to all such interests. Every
agreement made by the Board, or by the Property Manager on behalf of the Association and
Condominium, shall provide that the members of the Board or the Property Manager, as the case
may be, are acting only as agents for the Condominium Unit Interval Owners and shall have no
personal liability thereunder ( except as Interval Owners) and that each Interval Owner’s liability
thereunder shall be limited to such proportion of the total liability thereunder as his/her/its/their
interest in the common areas and facilities bears to all such interests. Any instrument signed by a
majority of the members of the Board as they then appear of record, or the Trustee(s) of the
Mariner House Condominium Association Realty Trust, and duly attested as the act of the
Association may be relied on as conclusively establishing that such instrument was the free act
and deed of the Association, and shall be binding upon the Mariner House Condominium
Association. No purchaser, mortgagee. lender, or other person dealing with the Board, as Board
members appear of record, or the Trustee(s) of the Mariner House Condominium Association
Realty Trust, shall be bound to ascertain or inquire further as to the persons who are then
members of the Boord or Trustee(s) of the Trust, nor be affected by any notice, implied or actual,
relative thereto, other than a recorded certificate thereof. and such recorded certificate shall be
conclusive evidence of the members of the Board, or Trustee(s) of the Trust, and of any changes
therein or thereto.
Condominium Unit Interval Owners
Section 1. Annual Meetings. Annual meetings shall be held on a call of the President at such
time and place as shall be determined by the Board of Directors. Members of the Board of
Directors, except those members whose term has not expired, shall be elected at the Annual
Meetings. The Interval Owners may transact such other business at such meetings as shall
properly come before them.
Section 2. Place of Annual and Special Meetings of the Interval Owners. The Annual and Special
Meetings of the Condominium Units Interval Owners shall be held at a suitable place convenient
to the Interval Owners as may be designated by the Boord of Directors.
Section 3. Special Meetings. The President shall call a Special Meeting of the Interval Owners
whenever required by the Bylaws, or as directed by the Boord of Directors, or upon a written
petition signed by thirty (30%) per cent of the Interval Owners and mailed, transmitted by
electronic message, or personally presented to the Secretary. The Secretary shall give notice to
the President that a Special Meeting has been requested_ The notice shall be given to the
President upon personal receipt by the Secretary and such notice may be by telephone, electronic
message, private messenger service, USPS Express Mail or other expedited means. The Special
Meeting shall be scheduled by the President for a date not less than thirty (30), nor more than
forty-five ( 45) days, after notification by the Secretary that a Special Meeting has been property
requested. The time limitations governing the President’s mandate to call the Special Meeting
shall begin upon the personal receipt of the notice. If the President is for any reason unavailable
or unable to be notified, or is unable to act on the Secretary’s notice,. the Treasurer or the
Secretary shall act in the place of the President in this specific instance.
Section 4. Notice of Meetings. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to mail, electronic message or
hand deliver a notice of each Annual or Special Meeting of the Condominium Units Interval
Owners, at least ten (10) but not more than thirty (30) days, prior to such meetings, stating the
purpose thereof as well as the time and place where it is to be held, to each person appearing in
the records of the Association as an Interval Owner in the Condominium Unit, either at the
Condominium or at such other address as such Interval Owner shall have designated by notice in
writing to the Secretary, and to each Listed Mortgagee, as defined in Article VI, Section 1. The
mailing, electronic messaging or hand delivery of a notice of meeting in the manner provided
herein, shall be considered service of notice. Notice of a meeting need not be given to an Interval
Owner if a written waiver thereof,. executed before or after the meeting by such Interval Owner
or a duly authorized attorney, is fiJed with the records of the meeting.
Section 5. Order of Business. The order of business at all meetings of the Condominium Units
Interval Owners shall be:
(a) Roll call
(b) Proof of notice of meeting
( c) Reading of minutes of prior meeting
(d) Report of Officers
( e) Report of Board of Directors
(f) Report of Committees
(g) Election of members of Board of Directors (when so required)
(h) Unfinished business
(i) Budget
(j) New Business
Section 6. Voting and Other Action by Interval Owners. All Interval Owners and persons duly
acting as proxies for Interval O\vners may be present at any meeting of the Condominium Unit
Interval Owners. The Interval Owners of each Condominium Unit shall be entitled at an
meetings of Interval Owners to cast the vote attributed to such Condominium Unit as provided in
this Artide III. For the purposes of these Bylaws, including every action on which there is a vote
of the Condominium Units Inten;al Owners and every other occasion on which there is any other
kind of action taken or approved by a designated percentage of the Interval Owners, the votes,
approvals or consents of the Interval Owners shall be weighted by attributing to each the same
percentage as the respective Condominium Unit’s percentage interest in the common areas and
facilities. As used in these Bylaws, any stated percentage of interest of an Interval Owners shall
mean the then owner’s percentage interest in the aggregate of the undivided ownership of the
common areas and facilities of the Condominium.
The Condominium Units Interval Owners shall transact the business of the Association at a duly
called meeting, except that any action to be taken by the Interval Owners may be taken without a
meeting if all Interval Owners entitled to vote on the matter consent to the action by a writing
filed with the reconls of meetings of Condominium Units Interval Owners. Soch consent shall be
treated for aJI purposes as a vote at a meeting.
Section 7. Proxies and Fiduciaries. Any person designated by a Condominium Unit Interval
Ow-ner or Owners to act as proxy on his/her!itsltheir behalf. shall be entitled to act for the
Interval Owner or Owners on all matters concerning the Association and the Condominium
within the authority granted by the proxy and until the proxy expires or is revoked, including
casting the vote attributed to the Condominium Unit at any meeting of the Interval O\wers of
such Condominfom Unit. The designation of any proxy by an Interval Owner shall be made in
writing to the Secretary and shall be revocable at any time by written notice to the Secretary by
the Owner or Owners so designating. A fiduciary shall be entitled to vote and take all actions
pursuant to these Bylaws with respect to any Interval owned in a fiduciary capacity. AU
designations and other notices under this paragraph shall contain the acknowledgement of the
signatory before a notary public.
If a Listed Mortgagee gives written notice to the Board of Directors that there is a default in the
mortgage on an Interval in a Condominium Unit held by it, then such Listed Mortgagee shall be
recogniz.ed as the proxy of the Interval Owner of such Condominium Unit for all matters
concerning the Association and Condominium until the Listed Mortgagee revokes the same by
written notice to the Board, or such mortgage is discharged of record; provided., however, that if
the Listed Mortgagee is not represented at a meeting of Condominium Unit Interval Owners,
then the Interval Owner may, notwithstanding the foregoing, cast the vote attributable to such
Interval in the Condominium Unit.
Section 8. Quorum. Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, the presence in person or by
proxy of more than fifty (50) percent of the Condominium Unit Interval Owners shall constitute
a quorum at all meetings of the Condominium Unit Interval Owners.
Section 9. Majority Vote. The vote of more than :fifty ( 50) percent of the Condominium Unit
Interval Owners present, in person or by proxy, at a meeting of the Interval Owners shall be a
majority vote ofthe Condominium Unit Interval Owners, as used in these Bylaws, and shall be
binding upon all Interval Owners of such Condominium Unit for all purposes except where in
the Master Deed, or these Bylaws, as may be amended from time to time, or by law a higher
percentage vote is required.
Section I. Designation. The Officers of !:he Association shall be the President, Treasurer and
Secretary, all of whom shall be elected by the Board of Directors and shall be members of the
Section 2. Election of Officers. The Officers of the Association shall be elected annually by the
Board at the organization meeting of each new Board and shall hold office at the pleasure of the
Section 3. Removal of Officers. Upon the affirmative vote ofa majority of the members of the
Board, any officer may be removed, either with or without cause, and his successor may be
elected at any Regular Meetings of the Board, or at any Special Meeting called for such purpose.
Section 4. President. The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association. The
president shall preside at all meetings of the Condominium Units Interval Owners and of the
Board. The President shall have the power to appoint committees from among the Interval
Owners, from time to time, as the President may, in the President’s discretion, decide is
appropriate to assist in the conduct of the affairs of the Condominium. If the President is unable
to act at any time, the Treasurer shall act in the place ofthe President. on an interim basis.
Section 5. Secretary. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the Condominium
Units Interval Owners and of the Board; the Secretary shall have charge of such books and
papers as the Board may direct; and the Secretary shall in general, perform all the duties incident
to the office of clerk or secretary of a business corporation organized under Massachusetts law.
Section 6. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall rake the place of the President wheoeverilie President
shall be absent or unable to act. The Treasurer shall have the responsibility for Association funds
and securities and shall be responsible for keeping full and accurate financial records and books
of account showing an receipts and disbursements, and for the preparation of all required
financial data. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the deposit of all moneys and other
valuable effects in the name of the Association in such depositories as may from time to time be
designated by the Board. The Treasurer shall. in general, perfurm all of the duties incident to the
office of treasurer of a stock corporation organiz.ed under Massachusetts law.
Section 7. Agreements, Contracts, Deeds, Checks, etc. Except as otherwise authorized by the
Board, all agreements, contracts, leases, checks, or other instruments of the Association shall be
executed, and payment vouchers approved, by any two or more Officers of the Association.
Section 8. Compensation of Officers. No Officer shall receive any compensation from the
Association for acting as such. but may be reimbursed for expenses incurred in the performance
of his/her/their duties.
Operation of the Condominium
Section 1. Determination of Common Expenses and Fixing of Common Charges. The fiscal year
of the Condominium shall be January I through December JL 1be Board of Directors shall,
annually in October, prepare a budget for the Condominium, determine the estimated amollllt of
the common charges payable by the Condominium Units Interval Owners to meet the common
expenses of the Condominium, and assess such common charges among the Units according to
their respective percentage interests in the common areas and facilities. The common expenses
shall include, among other things, oil, electricity for the operation of the common areas and
facilities, real estate taxes and betterment assessment (but only with respect to any period for
which the Units have not yet been assessed as separate parcels of real estate), water, the
compensation of the Property Manager and the cost of an insurance premiums on all policies of
insurance to be or which have been obtained by the Board pursuant to the provisions of this
Article V, Sections 2 and 3. The common expenses shall also include such amounts as the Board
may deem proper for the operation and maintenance of the Condominium, including. without
limitation, an arnollllt for wooong capital of the Condominium, for a general operating reserve,
for a reserve fund for replacements, and an amount to make up any deficit in the common
expenses for any prior year. 11:te Boord shall advise all Interval Owners promptly in writing of
the amount of common charges payable by each of them, respectively, as determined by the
Board, as aforesaid, and shall furnish copies of each budget on which such common charges are
based, to each Interval Owner and, if requested, to their respective mortgagees. In addition, at the
time each Interval Owner acquires an Interval he shall pay one year’s common area charge
allocable to such Interval to the Association to maintain a wooong capital account.
Section 2. Casualty Insurance. The Board shall obtain and maintain to the extent obtainable and
permitted by applicable law, fire with e::i.1:ended coverage insuring the Property including,
without limitation,, common areas and facilities, all of the Condominium Units, together with all
equipment, fixtures, additions, alterations and improvements thereof, but not including any
:furniture, furnishings, household or personal property belonging to an Interval Owner.
(a) The casualty insurance shall be in an amount at least equal to the full replacement value
thereof (as determined by the Board at least annually without deduction for depreciation), such
insurance to name the Board as Insurance Trustees for the benefit of all Condominium Unit
Interval Owners and his/her/its/their Listed Mortgagees, if applicable, with loss payable to and
adjusted by the Boanl as Insurance Trustees in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws.
(b) The policies for such casualty insurance shall provide: (i) that the company waive any right
of subrogation against the Board, its agents and employees, Interval Owners, their respective
employees, agents,. tenants., guests and invitees; (ii) that the insurance shall not be prejudiced by
any act or neglect of any Interval Owner or occupants or any other person or firm (including
employees and agents of the Board) when such act or neglect is oot within the control of the
Board (or Interval Owners collectively). or by failure of the Board (for Interval Owners
collectively) to comply with any warranty or condition with regard to any portion of the Property
over which the Board (or Interval Owners collectively) have no control; (iii) that such policies
may not be cancelled or substantially modified without at least twenty (20) days prior written
notice to all Condominimn Units Interval Owners and Listed Mortgagees, if applicable. to whom
certificates of insurance have been issued; (iv) that recovery thereunder shall not be affected on
account of the availability of proceeds under any policies obtained by an Interval Owner
covering his/her/its/their own Condominium Unit Interval; and (v) if available, that the company
shall waive any right it may have under the policy to repair or restore damage in the event the
Condominium Units Interval Owners elect to terminate the Condominium insurance coverage
because of such damage.
( c) Certificates of insurance, with proper mortgagee endorsements, when requested, shall be
issued to the Interval Owners of each Condominium Unit.
( d) The Board shall obtain, at least once every seven (7) years, an independent appraisal of the
full replacement value of the Property to be insured in accordance with the foregoing provisions
of this Section, without deduction for depreciation, for the purpose of determining the amount of
insurance to be affected pursuant to this Section and the amount of such insmance shall in no
event be less than the full replacement value as so determined.
( e) Subject to the provisions of this Article V, Section 4, insurance proceeds received by the
Board shall be held in trust in an identified and segregated fund for the benefit of the Interval
Owners and his/her/its/their Listed Mortgagees. If the cost of restoring the common areas and
facilities is estimated by the Board to exceed the sum of Fifty Thousand ($50,000) Dollars, then
the Board shaH give written notice of such loss to all Listed Mortgagees and, in addition, if the
cost of restoration of any Condominium Unit is estimated by the Board to exceed Five Thousand
($5,000.00) Dollars, then the Boord shall give written notice of such loss to the Listed Mortgagee
holding the mortgage on that Condominium Unit, or any Intervals therein.
Section 3. Other Insurance. The Board shall obtain and maintain, to the extent obtainable: (i)
public liability insurance in such limits as the Board may determine, from time to time, covering
the Association, each member of the Board, the Property Manager, and each Interval O\vnec with
respect to liability arising out of ownership, maintenance or repair of those portions of the
Property not reserved for exclusive use by the Interval Owners of a Condominium Unit, such
insurance to provide for cross claims by the co-insureds; (ii) wodcers compensation insurance;
and (iii) such other insurance as the Board may determine.
Section 4. Repair or Reconstruction After Fire or Other Casualty. In the event of damage to or
destruction of the common areas and facilities of the Condominium as result of fire or other
casualty (unless the casualty exceeds the ammmt of available insurance proceeds and seventyfive
percent (75%) or more of the Condominium Units Interval Owners agree not to proceed
with the repair oc restoration as provided by the last paragraph of this Section) or in the event of
damage to or destruction of any Condominium Unit as a result of fire or other casualty. whether
or not the common areas and facilities have been damaged or destroyed (unless the last
paragraph of this Section is applicable), the Insurance Trustees shall promptly adjust the loss,
arrange for the prompt repair or restoration of the same, and disburse the proceeds of all
insurance policies in payment of all costs and expenses actually incurred in connection with such
repair or restoration in appropriate progress payments and with appropriate retainage. All
insurance proceeds paid to the Board of Directors as Insurance Trustees on account of any
casualty shall be dedicated solely to the repair or restoration of the loss, and any application of
said proceeds by the Board on account thereof, shall be prior to the application of such proceeds
for any other purposes.
In the event that the total cost of repair or restoration as estimated on the basis of an independent
appraisal, or as determined during the course of repair or restoration exceeds the total sum of
available insurance proceeds (unless the last paragraph of this Section is applicable), then the
Insurance Trustees shall allocate the available proceeds between common areas and facilities and
the Condominium Unit or Units in proportion to the estimated cost of repairing or restoring each,
and shall assess, levy or charge all Condominium Units Interval Owners, as a common expense,
for the amount estimated to repair or restore the common areas and facilities in excess of the
insurance proceeds available therefore and shall assess, levy or charge the Interval Owners of the
Unit or Units in which a loss has occurred for the amount estimated to repair or restore said Unit
or Units in excess of the insurance proceeds available therefore.
Whenever the estimated cost of repair or restoration exceeds as to any one casualty or
occurrence, on the basis of an independent appraisal, the sum of Seventy Five Thousand
($75,000.00) Dollars with respect to the common areas and facilities and Ten Thousand
($10,000.00) Dollars with respect to any one Condominium Unit, then the Board shall retain a
registered architect or registered engineer, who shall not be directly or indirectly, an Interval
Owner or an employee or agent of any Interval Owner or a member of an employee or agent of
any member of the Board of Directors or the Property Manager, to supervise the work of repair
or restoration and no sums shall be paid to supervise the work of repair or restoration and no
sums shall be paid by the Board on account of such repair or restoration except upon certification
to it by such architect or engineer that the work for which payment is being made has been
completed in a satisfactory and good and workmanlike manner in accordance with approved
plans and specifications and that the estimated total cost of undisbursed proceeds of insurance as
augmented by funds obtained by any assessment or assessments levied or chargeable to the
Condominium Unit or Units Interval Owners as a common expense or to the Interval Owners of
the Unit or Units damaged or destroyed.
The Board of Directors may perform emergency work essential to the preservation and safety of
the Property or the safety of persons, or required to avoid the suspension of any essential service
to the Property without having first adjusted the loss or obtained proceeds of insurance.
If there shall have been a repair or restoration pursuant to the foregoing and the amount of
insurance proceeds shall have exceeded the cost of such repair or restoration, then the excess of
such insurance proceeds, if any, shall be added to the Condominium’s reserve fund or, at the
option of the Board, divided and distributed among all the Condominium Units Interval Owners
in proportion to their respective interests in the common areas and facilities.
If a loss to the common areas and facilities due to a casualty exceeds the amount of available
insurance proceeds and, within one hundred twenty (I 20) days of the date of such loss, seventyfive
(75%) or more of all Condominium Units Interval Owners agree not to proceed with repair
or restoration, than the Property shaJJ be subject to partition and net proceeds of a partition sale
together with oommon funds of the Association and the CondorninilDil shall be divided, aH as
provided by law, distribution thereof to be made first to the holders of first mortgages on any
Condominium Unit or Interval Owner interest in any Unit, if any, to the extent of the amounts
respectively secured thereby, and any payment distribution to the respective Interval Owner
encumbered by such first mortgage shall be reduced proportionately.
Section 5. Payments of Common Charges. All Condominium Units Interval Owners shall be
obligated to pay the common charges assessed by the Board of Managers pursuant to the
provisions of these Bylaws, as may be amended from time to time, at such time or times as the
Board shall determine.
No Interval Owner shall be liable for the payment of any part of the common charges assessed
against his Interval subsequent to a sale, transfer, or other conveyance by him/her/its/their
Interval. In addition, any Interval Owner may, subject to the terms and conditions specified in
these Bylaws, and subject to the sole discretion of and acceptance by the Board of Directors,
provided that his Interval is free and dear of liens and enclDJlbrances, including any mortgage or
statutory lien for unpaid oommon charges, convey his/her/its/their Interval, together with the
interest in the common areas and facilities, to the Association, the Trustee(s) of the Mariner
House Condominium Association Realty Trust, or its nominee, corporate or otherwise, and shall
be exempt from common charges thereafter assessed.
Section 6. ColJection of Common Charges or Assessments. The Board of Directors shall assess
common charges and any assessments against the Condominium Unit Interval Owners annually
in January and shall take action to collect any common charges or assessments due from any
Interval Owner which remain unpaid for more than thirty (30) days from the due date for
payment thereof.
Section 7. Default in Payment of Common Charges or Assessments. In the event of default by
any Interval Owner in paying to the Association the common charges and assessments as
determined by the Board. such Interval Owner shall be obligated to pay interest. at the legal rate.
of such common charges or assessments from the due date thereof, together with all expenses,
including reasonable attorney’s fees, incurred by the Board in any proceeding brought to collect
such unpaid common charges. All such unpaid common charges or assessments shall constitute a
continuing lien to the extent provided by law against such Interval Owner and the Interval
Owner’s heirs, devisees, representatives and assigns. The Board, in its discretion, shall have the
authority, right, and power to file a Notice of Lien at the Nantucket County Registry of Deeds
and attempt to recover such common charges, together with interest thereon, and the expenses of
the proceeding, including reasonable attorney’s fees, in an action to recover the same brought
against such Interval Owner, or by foreclosure of the lien on such Condominium Unit in the
manner as provided by statutes governing foreclosure and power of sale of Hens and mortgages
as provided by law.
The lien and right to foreclose on the Condominium Unit Interval Owner and his/her/its/their
Interval is in addition to and not in substitution for all other rights and remedies which the
Association, the Boord and the Property Manager may have under these Bylaws, as may be
amended from time to time.
The enforcement of a lien and foreclosure for unpaid common charges and assessments. if made
through foreclosure proceedings, shall be in accordance with these Bylaws, as amended from
time to time, and the applicable provisions of the General Laws of the Commonwealth of
No Interval Owner shall use, occupy, rent, lease, or make any use of his/her/its/their Interval
tirom and after the due date for payment of common charges or assessments or date of recording
of a Notice of Lien at the Nantucket County Registiy of Deeds. until the amount due and owing,
plus any costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney’s fees, have been paid in full or is
resolved to the satisfaction of the Board.
!,’.Secti=!!o:·” ‘n~8a:.:.·..!=S’-“‘tat~em=ent=-“o~f””‘C”””o”‘mm=on=–“”C==:c-=and=..aA'””””sses=sm=en=ts. 1ne Board shall promptly provide
any Interval Owner, so requesting the same in writing, with a written statement of all unpaid
common charges or assessments due from such Interval Owner and upon payment the Property
Manager is authorized to sign and provide a Certificate of No Unpaid Common Charges and
Assessments in form suitable foir recording at the Nantucket County Registry of.Deeds and such
Certificate, upon recording at the Nantucket County Registry of Deeds, shall operate to discharge
the Interval Owner from any lien for any sums owing as of the date of recording.
Section 9. Abatement and Enjoining of Violations by Interval Owners. The violation of any
rules, regulations, or other requirements adopted by the Board of Directors, or the breach or
default of any terms, conditions, covenants, or agreements under these Bylaws, as amended from
time to time, or the breach or default of any provisions under the Master Deed, as amended, shall
give the Board the right, power and authority, in addition to any other rights set forth in these
Bylaws, to enjoin, abate, or remedy the continuance of any such breach or default. by legal or
other proceeding, and obtain appropriate relief, either at law or in equity, and recover any
damages and enforce any lien created or allowed herein and by law. The failure of the Board to
enforce any provisions under these Bylaws, as amended from time to time, on one or more
occasion, shall not be deemed a waiver or release of the right, power, and authority of the Board
to so enforce and recover appropriate relief. at law or in equity, in the event of a breach or
default thereafter.
Section l 0. Unlawful Occupancy or Failure to Vacate. If any Interval Owner. or his/her/its/their
lessee, tenant, guest or invitee, unlawfully occupies or fails or refuse to vacate the Property at the
time prescribed for such Interval, or otherwise uses or occupies the Property during an Interval
not owned by said Interval Owner, or prevents or interferes with another Interval Owner’s use or
occupancy of the Property during the Interval owned by the other Interval Owner, the person(s)
in wrongful use, possession or occupancy shall:
(a) be deemed to have, ipso facto, committed a trespass and such trespass shall be continuing
until the person(s) discontinue any act of use or occupancy;
(b) be subject to immediate and summary enjoinment from continuing such act of trespass;
( c) be subject 1o immediate and summary removal by eviction or ejection;
( d) by such act or unlawful possession to have, ipso facto, waived and any notices, service of
process and the right to a bond or other security for injunctive relief;
( e) be liable for, and shall pay to the Interval Owner entitled to use and occupancy the
Condominium Unit Interval during the period of wrongful use, possession or occupancy, all
costs and expenses incurred by said Interval Owner in recovering the use of the Interval or
removing, evicting, ejecting or enjoining said wrongdoer(s) and shall include, without limitation,
the cost of obtaining alternative lodging or other accommodations, travel expenses, court costs, if
any, and reasonable attorney’s fees;
(f) pay to the Interval Owner harmed by the unlawful use, possession, or occupancy of the
Condominium Unit Interval a sum equal to 200% of the fair rental value per day of the
Condominium Unit Interval wrongfully used, possessed, or occupied, for each day or portion
thereof: including the day of surrender and vacating of the Condominium Unit; and
(g) If an Interval Owner, by his/her/its/their negligence, renders a Condominium Unit unfit for
use or occupancy by the rightful Interval owner, the provisions of the above shall apply and be
enforced by the Association or Interval Owner so wronged or harmed by such negligence.
Section 11. Maintenance and Repair. All maintenance, repairs and replacements to the common
areas and facilities, whether located inside or outside of the Condominium Units, shall be made
by the Board of Directors and be charged to all the Condominium Units Interval Owners as a
common expense (provided, however, that where such maintenance, repair or replacement was
necessitated by the negligence or misuse by a Unit Interval Owner, or his/her/its/their lessee,
tenant, guest or invitee, such expense shall be charged to such Unit Interval Owner).
Section 12. Restrictions on Use of Units. In order to provide for congenial use and occupancy of
the Property, and for the protection of the value of the Condominium Units, each Condominium
Unit shall be used solely for residential purposes by one single family, including the occasional
guest or invitee thereof.
Section 13. Additions, Alterations or Improvements Overseen by the Board. The Board of
Directors and Property Manager shall have oversight and management over any additions,
alterations or improvements to 1he common areas and facilities.
(a) If fifty (50%) percent or more but less than seventy-five (75%) percent of the
Condominium Unit Interval Owners agree to make a request to the Board for an addition,
alteration or improvement to the common areas and facilities, the cost of such addition,
alteration or improvement shall be borne solely by the Interval Owners so agreeing.
(b) If seventy-five (75%) percent or more of the Condominium Unit Interval Owners agree to
make a request of the Board for an addition, alteration or improvement to the common
areas and facilities, the cost of such addition, alteration or improvement shall be assessed
to all Condominium Units Interval Owners as a common expense.
Section 14. Additions, Alterations or Improvement by Unit Owners. No Condominium Unit
Interval Owner shall make any addition, alternation or improvement of a structural nature in or to
his/her/its/their Unit nor shall he/she/it/they make any exterior addition, alteration or
improvement (including painting. awnings, grills and the like), without, in each instance,
obtaining the prior written consent of the Board of Directors, and such consent will not be
unreasonably withheld. Any necessary application to any governmental authority for a permit to
make an addition, alteration or improvement in oc to any Unit, as authorized and approved by the
Board, will be executed and overseen by the Board or the Property Manager and such Board or
Property Manager shall not, in any event, incur any liability to any contractor, sub-contractor or
materialman on account of such addition, alteration or improvement. nor assume or incur any
liability for any injury to any person(s) or damage(s) to property arising therefrom.
Section 15. Use of Common Areas and Facilities. A Condominium Unit Interval Owner, or
his/her/its/their lessee, tenant, guest, or invitee shall not place or cause to be placed in the
stairways or other common areas or facilities, other than the areas,. if any, designated as a storage
area, furniture, packages, things, or objects of any kind or nature. The entry passages, stairways,
corridors, and balls shall be used for no purpose other than for normal transit through them.
Section 16. Change to Interval. Any deed or written instrument purporting to change or alter an
Interval in violation of or not in compliance with the tenns and provisions of these Bylaws, as
may be amended from time to time, or purporting to add to an Interval, or combine Intervals, or
to divide an Interval, shall be null and void and of no force or effect.
Section I 7. Righ of Access. The Condominium Unit Interval Owners grant to the Board of
Directors, the Property Manager, and any agents, representatives, or other person(s) authorized
by the Board or Property Manager, a right of access to the Property and the Condominium Units
for the purpose of correcting an event or condition originating within a Condominium Unit that
has caused damage or may threaten to cause damage to another Condominium Unit or the
common areas or facilities, or for the purpose of performing installations, alterations, repairs or
replacements to the mechanical, electrical, or plumbing equipment or services. In advance of any
entry, the Board or Property Manager shaH make a good faith effort to notify the Condominium
Unit Interval Owner of an entry; provided, however, in the case of an emergency, such right of
entry shall be immediate, regardless of whether the Unit Interval Owner, or his/her/its/their
lessee, tenant, guest, or invitee is present or has knowledge of such entry.
Section l. Notice to Board. An Interval Owner, who mortgages his/her/its/their unit, shall notify
the Board of the name and address of the mortgagee and shall deliver a recorded copy of the
mortgage with the Board. The Board shall cause such information to be maintained in a book
entitled “Mortgages of Units and Intervals” or “Listed Mortgagee(s )”.
Section 2. Notice of Unpaid Common Charges. The Board, whenever so requested in writing by
a Listed Mortgagee, or assignee holding a mortgage originally given to a Listed Mortgagee by a
Condominium Unit Interval Owner, shall promptly report or cause to be reported any then
unpaid common charges and assessments due from the Interval Owner, or any breach or default
by the Interval Owner of the tenns, conditions, covenants and agreements under these Bylaws, as
amended from time to time, relating to the mortgaged Condominium Unit.
Section 3. Notice of Default. Whenever a Condominium Unit Interval Owner is given a notice of
any unpaid common charges or assessments, or notice of a breach or default of theses Bylaws, as
amended from time to time, the Board shall sencL or cause to deliver, a copy of such notice to the
Listed Mortgagee of such Condominium Unit Interval Owner.
::::Secti=~o·: :!c!n,_4.:..:.·~L:!!cisted==M~o==ee=. As used in these Bylaws, a Listed Mortgagee shall mean a
mortgagee holding a mortgage of record on a Condominium Unit given by an Interval Owner
and said mortgagee has given the Board written notice specifying the address to which notices
are to be mailed or delivered. A Listed Mortgagee will remain in the books in the possession and
control of the Board until the Board receives written notice from the Listed Mortgagee, or
assignee of such mortgage, of the satisfaction of the obligation under the mortgage lien and a
mortgage discharge or release of record.
Section 5. Assignment by Unit Owner of Rights and Options. The right of any Condominium
Unit Interval Owner to vote, to grant or withhold any consent, and to exercise any other right or
option herein granted to an Interval Owner, may be assigned or transferred in writing to or
restricted in favor of any Listed Mortgagee, and the Board shall be bound by any such
assignment or transfer upon notice in writing to the Board by the Interval Owner and Listed
Mortgagee setting forth the terms of such assignment or transfcr.
Section 1. Condemnation. In the event of a raking in condemnation or by eminent domain of part
or all of the common areas and facilities, the award made for such taking shall be payable to the
Board of Directors. If seventy-five (75%) percent or more of the Interval Owners of the
Condominium Units duly and promptly approve the repair and restoration of such common areas
and facilities, the Board shall arrange for the repair and restoration of such common areas and
facilities, and shall disburse the proceeds of such award to the contractors engaged in such repair
and restoration in appropriate progress payments; provided, however, that no consent of an
Interval Owner of a Condominium Unit shall be deemed effective for the foregoing purpose
without the written consent of such Listed Mortgagee. In the event such approvals and consents
are not obtained within one hundred twenty (120) days, then the Board shall, to the extent
permitted by law, disburse the net proceeds of such award in the same manner as the Board is
required to distribute insurance proceeds where there is no repair or restoration of the damage, as
provided in Section 3 of Article V of these Bylaws.
Section l. Record and Audits. The Board of Directors shall keep or cause to be kept records of
the actions of the Board, minutes ofthe meetings of the Board,. minutes of the meetings of
Interval Owners, and fmanciaJ records and books of account of the Association. including a
chronological listing of receipts and expenditures, as well as a separate account for each
Condominium Unit which, among other things, shall contain the amount of each common charge
or assessment against such Condominium Unit. the date when due, the amount paid thereon, and
the balance remaining unpaid. A written report swnmarizing all receipts and expenditures of the
Association shall be rendered by the Board to all Interval Owners within thirty (30) days after the
dose of each fiscal year of the Association.
Section 1. Notices. Unless otherwise provided in these Bylaws. all notices to the Boanl of
Directors, to the office of the Board, or to such other address as the Board may hereafter
designate from time to time, by notice in writing to all Condominium Unit Interval Owners, and
to aJi Listed Mortgagees, shall be sent by registered or certified mail. remrn receipt requested. or
by overnight delivery with signed receipt; all notices to Interval Owners shall be delivered by
mail, postage prepaid, to the last known address of the person(s) who appear(s) as the
Condominium Unit Interval Owner on the records of the Association at the time of such notice;
and all notices to a Listed Mortgagee shall be sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt
requested, or by overnight delivery with signed receipt, to the address first given to the Board or
to such other address as may be designated by the Listed Mortgagee in writing and given to the
Boord. All notices shall be deemed to have been given when mailed or sent by overnight
delivery, except notices of change of address which shall be deemed to have been given when
received except to the extent that other means of giving notice are provided in these Bylaws, as
amended from time to time.
Section 2. Invalidity. The invalidity of any part of these Bylaws shall not impair or affect in any
manner the validity, en:furceability, o:r effect of the remaining tenns and provisions under these
Bylaws, as amended from time to time.
Section 3. Captions. The captions herein are inserted only as a matter of convenience and for
reference, and in no way define, limit or describe the scope of these Bylaws or the intent of any
terms or provision hereunder.
Section 4. Gender. The use of the masculine gender in these Bylaws shall be deemed to include
the feminine or neuter gender and the use of the singular shall be deemed to include the plural,
whenever the context or circumstances so require.
Section 5. Waiver. No restrictions, conditions, obligations or provisions contained in these
Bylaws shall be deemed to have been abrogated or waived by reason of any failure to enforce
same, irrespective of the number of violations or breaches thereof which may occur.
Amendments to Bylaws
Section 1. Amendments to Bylaws. These Bylaws, and the rules, regulations and restrictions
hereunder, may be maintained and enforced by a majority vote of Interval ownership for each
Interval ofthe Condominium Units; provided, however, a seventy-five percent vote oflnterval
Unit Ownership is required to modify or amend this Article X Amendments to Bylaws, or for
removal of the Condominium from the provisions of Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter
183A, or such greater percentage as may be required under applicable Massachusetts General
Laws or Nantucket Z.Oniog Bylaws for a change in structure or use, or transfer or conveyance of
the Condominium Property. No vote of an Owner of an Interval of a Condominium Unit
encumbered by a mortgage held by a Listed Mortgagee shall be deemed effective without the
written consent of such Listed Mortgagee.
Precedence, Conflicts with Controlling Documents
These Bylaws are intended to comply with the General Laws of the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts, as applicable, and said Master Deed,. as amended, and originally submitted to the
provisions of the General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Chapter 183A. In the
event any of these Bylaws conflict with the applicable provisions of said General Laws of the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, or the provisions of the Master Deed, as amended, the
provisions of said statute or of the Master Deed, as the case may be, shall control.
Sign: ____________ _
Print Name: William R. Hathaway
Title: Board of Directors, President
——–· ss. October __ • 2021
On this __ day of October, 2021, before me, the undersigned Notary Public,
personally appeared William R. Hathaway, being a person who is personally known to me or
proven to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which was a
________________ , to be the person whose name is signed on the
preceding or attached document, and acknowledged to me that he signed it voluntarily for its
stated purpose, as his free act and deed, and the free act and deed of The Mariner House
Condominium Association.
Notary Public:
My commission expires:
Lang MHA Defiance 5 3/31/21 $ LOO
MHA Lang Defiance 15 3/31/21 $ 1.00
MHA Hitchcock Columbia 19 4/28/21 $ 500.00
Kratt Lyerly Defiance 4 4/8/21 $3,800.00
Hawkinson Lyerly Fame 11 4/8/21 $ 500.00
MHA Lyerly Defiance 5 4/15/21 $ 500.00
MHA Lyerly Defiance IO 4115/21 $ 500.00
Davis Lyerly Essex 8 4/28/21 $ 1.00
Burt Lyerly, C. Aurora 7 4130/21 $6,500.00
McKenna Wackerle Aurora 9 5/l4/2l $1,000.00
Eisenmann Hitchcock Aurora 15 5/6/21 $ LOO
Eisenmann Hitchcock Aurora 16 516.121 $ LOO
Rubenstein Lyerly Barstow9 5/24/21 $ 500.00
Rubenstein Lyerly Barstow 10 5/24/21 $ 500.00
Mancheski Smith/ Essex 15 5126121 $1,500.00
St. Clair HaIVey
Interval 10 l March 5 – March 12 I Sept. 3 – Sept. 10, 2021 I Price Negotiable l Gargan
Interval 12 I Mar. 19 – Mar. 26 I Sept. 17- Sept. 24, 2021 I $1.00 I Hibsham
Interval 131 April 16-23jApril 23-April 301September 24-0ct.l, 20211$1.00jEisenmann
Interval 1 i Jan. I-Jan. 81July 2 -July 9, 2021 I Price Negotiable i Flynn
Interval 16jMarch 26-April 2j Oct. 15-22jOct. 22-29, 202lj$500j McKew
Interval 20 I May I-May 8jMay 8-May 151Nov. 27-Dec. 4, 2020 I Price Negotiable l DiazSaavedra
Interval 181 May 14- May 211 Nov. 12- Nov. 19, 20211 $5001 M.H.A.
Interval 191 May 21- May 281 Nov. 19-Nov. 26, 20211 $5001 M.H.A.
Interval 111 March 12-March 191 Sept. 10- Sept. 17, 20211 $1.00! Warburton
Interval 111 March 12-191 Sept. 10-17, 2021 i $5001 M.H.A.
Interval 141 April 2-April 91 Oct.I- Oct. 8, 20211 $1,500j Mancheski
Interval 191 May 21- May 281 Nov. 19-Nov. 26, 20211 $1,5001 Mancheski
Interval 20!April 30-May 71 May 7-141November 26-December 3, 2021! $LOO! Hubbard

October 24, 2020
The meeting was held at Hy-Line Landing, 220 Ocean Street, Hyannis, Massachusetts, and called to
order at 10;00 am by President Bill Hathaway. Board members Bill Hathaway, Marty DeMartino,
David Ham and Gloria Kunz were present in person: Kerrie Harvey and Elizabeth Jackson joined via
Roll Call: Roll call was done by owners’ introduction. Thomas Sambuco, Richard Sambuco, Pam
McClendon, and Susan DiMartioo attended in person; Elizabeth Thibeault, Jackie Hawkinson,
Elizabeth Fox and Ira Rubenstein joined by phone. A total of 80 intervals were represented in person,
by phone or by proxy fonning a quorum.
Proof of Notice of Meeting: Notices to all owners, 2019 annual meeting minutes and owners’
directories were sent via email and hard copy by Tracy Canty. Bill Hathaway requested a motion to
waive the reading of the 2019 minutes, Marty DeMartino so moved, seconded by Kerrie Harvey and
unanimously approved. The minutes of the preceding year were passed to record.
Officers’ Reports:
• The Board holds regular meetings via teleconference the second Tuesday of every
month commencing at 5:00 PM.
• Discussion issues will include:
-Possible sale of property
-Owner proposal of a lower per diem rate for owners who wish to stay in an unused
-Support dogs. This was discussed and finalized at the July 14 Board meeting, the
minutes of which can be found on the MH Website. “‘ Some owners have inquired about
service and emotion.J SlfJPOrf animals. Mariner House is legally txJI.X1d to accept Service dogs.
Emotional support dogs are not considered a service dog. These terms are used to describe
ooimcis that provide comfort just by bet’I!} wHh a person. Because they have not been tramd to
perform a specific job or task, they do not qualify as service animals under the ADA. Owners of
service animals wHI be required to submit appropriate documentation, including certification from
the US Service Animals Organization, prior to arrival.·
• Our financial ship appears to be sea worthy going into next year.
• The Mariner House’s esthetic, structural and mechanical issues have been and
continue to be addressed in fiscally responsible ways while ensuring the positive
experience of a stay at the historic property.
• To that end and while considering the impact of the pandemic, it was decided to keep
the maintenance fees the same as last year. Additionally. there will be no Capital
Budget, therefore, no special assessment for the 2021 budget.
• The Board took up tile discussion of an “Emergency Contingency Fund” as suggested
at the 2019 Annual Meeting and approved a funding level of 50% of the 2017 and 2018
surplus held in the Mariner House Money Market Accounts. That amount was
transferred to a new Cape Cod 5 account name “Emergency Contingency .Accounr.
The ECA was funded in the amount of $52,500.
Sue DeMartino made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report; seconded by Gloria
Kunz and passed unanimously.
® The Board holds regular meetings via teleconference the second Tuesday of every
month_ Special meetings are held on an as-needed basis_
e Minutes are posted on the Mariner House website under the owner’s portal.
Rich Sambuco made a motion to accept the Secretary’s report; seconded by Tom
Sambuco and passed unanimously_
Property Manager: Tracy Canty
Since March 16, the hospital has conducted 11,034 tests, with 167 cumulative positives and
153 recovered patients for that period. As of Thursday, 143 test results were pending. No
patient with COVID–19 nor under investigation for the illness was hospitalized at NCH. Eleven
patients with COVID–19 were reported to be in isolation outside of the hospital_
2. ISLAND INFO (Source; Inky Newspaper)
a. Closed April 3-May 22 due to governor’s “non-essential business” order
b. New Covid protocols-sanitizer in foyer. no-ear1y check~ns. oo late check outs.
no luggage storage, defogging the property after deaners
c. Restaurants open with outdoor seating, auxiliary streets dosed in town to
d. Retail stores open with Covid protocols in place
e_ Nantucket currently in red status
f. Island wide mandate to ‘Near masks anywhere when in public
g_ The Inquirer and Mirror was sold
h. The limited liability company 41 North Media LLC plans to close on Monday,
November 1 on its purchase of The Inquirer and Mirror from media
conglomerate Gannett Co. The buyers are “a small group of civic-minded
individuals with a long-term history with the island
i. Real Estate top $1 billion in 9 months (Inky),
i. Busiest year in history
ii_ People are working from home and virtually schooling
j. iii. Fleeing the cities
k. Steamship Authority- predicts 22 million in losses
iii. State to cover deficits for any corona viruses related to financial losses
L Halloween and Christmas Stroll cancelled
m. Hybrid schooling began last week with Cohort format
n. Star of the Sea sold to Blue flag, who owns Roberts House, Manor House and
o_ Bluestar scaling back construction across the street
occupancy for same penod 2017, 2018 and 2019 was 59%)
TOTAL RENTAL- Rentals to MHA 1/1/19-10/2/19=$9,452, ORL=$45, 126
35 Reservations currently Jan_-Sept
a_ YEAR 2019-60 Reservations currently for the year.
i. VRBO-11%
ii. REP EA T-38%
iii. WEBSITE-11 %
iv. RCl-29%
vi. Nantucket Accommodations-0%
Rino $500.00
Dewey, R.
Dewey, G.
Columbia 22
Essex9 &10
Fame 10
6/3/2020 Family Transfer
4. SALES AND MARKETING (continuing)
under agreement
under agreement
a. Brochure for lobby and brochure holder outside- well received-reordered
Nantucket Accommodations- lodging inquiries
e. Facebook page
a. Foyer wallpaper and painting
b. Essex renovated-new carpets, new appliances, new bath floor, new tv stand
c. India street-balusters replaced, rot repaired, new deck new paint
Bill Hathaway made a motion to accept the report of the Property Manager, seconded by
Tom Sambuco and passed unanimously.
Property Improvements/Building Report: Bill Steadman
• Objective is to focus on immediate issues and smaller projects; repair immediately and do
it well.
• Trade and maintenance sub–contracl:or costs are increasing exponentially.
Gil Essex was completely renovated. Aurora will be renovated in 2022.
• Issues to be addressed:
1. Windows. Replacement and repair will insure ongoing savings. Ropes
in several units already replaced; additional adjustments made.
2. Downspouts
3. Front door rotted and needs replacement. Size and HDC are issues;
door must be custom-made.
4. 2nd story back door needs replacement, as well as the stair rails.
5. Drain line in building interior
Gil Gutter replacement has been postponed for two years. Issues include improper spacing,
current wooden gutters difficult to maintain, cost (wooden: $ 34 per foot, fiberglass 33%
higher.) However, fiberglass gutters are maintenance free, and do not have to be oiled.
• The passage floor in Aurora is rotted and needs attention. Will be addressed in 2022
e» The sewer back up problem continues to be an issue. The pipe from MH to the street was
replaced. A new leak was discovered in the crawl space and will be fixed in January when
sewer access can be shut off.
@> Good news: The boiler is in good shape!
Marty DeMartino moved to accept the Property Manager’s reJX>rt. seconded by Elizabeth Jackson and
passed unanimously.
Report of the Board of Directors:
• All issues were previously covered in the Officers’ reports.
Motion from David Ham to accept the report of the Board of Directors; seconded by Gloria
Kunz and passed unanimously.
Report of Committees:
Aurora: Susan DeMartino
• There were no new purchases.
• The hallway floor is being monitored.
• Pam McClendon has assumed the Decorating Chair, and has suggested replacing the TV
tables in both the living room and bedroom, decorations to enhance the aesthetics of the
unit, and some minor repairs.
Columbia: Gloria Kunz
• A new coverlet and bed skirt were purchased.
• The ·Nantucket Recr chair in the bed room was recovered. Still looking for fabric for the
other bedroom chair.
Defiance; RaneHe Brew
@ A new dishwasher was purchased.
• Otherwise, all is well as Defiance underwent a significant overhaul in 2019.
Essex: DeeDee Mam::heski
• Major capital improvements were completed in 2020, including new mattresses and
coverlets, new countertops, carpeting and a new floor in the downstairs bathroom.
• New interior storm windows were installed on the arched windows.
Fame: Molly McKeown & Eileen Fox
• New wing chairs with hassocks were purchased for the living room; seat cushions in the
kitchen were recovered, a new comforter was purchased for the master bedroom, and the
guest bathroom was updated.
Rich Sambuco moved to accept the report of the Decorating Committee, Susan DeMartino
seconded. Report of decorating committees accepted unanimously.
Board Member Elections:
An election was held to replace two Board seats. Eileen Fox and Mark Thurston were elected to
three-year terms.
Old Business:
Air Conditioning – Ranelle Brew had raised the issue of installing central air at Mariner House at
the 2019 meeting. Bill Steadman was charged with researching this issue. It was noted that the
current electrical draw is becoming an issue, but the system is sufficient for present needs.
Estimated cost to install air conditioning is $ 100,000, with an additional $ 50,000 for carpentry and
upgrades to the current system to handle the additional load. Nantucket has become warmer and
more humid.
Issues include:
ID Age of building
ID Limited access for equipment
• Requirements for 6 separate systems
• Electrical upgrade needed for portable units
• HOC approval for new electrical access point
Foreclosures – Three intervals are currently in foreclosure. Because of Covid, there is a
moratorium on foreclosures; therefore, no progress.
Buy Back Program – The Board investigated issues raised at the 2019 Annual Meeting, and
evaluated pros and cons of the proposed program. After such evaluation, it was determined that the
program was not in the best interest of Mariner House or its owners.
Budget: (Covered in Treasurer’s Report)
Year-End Results: No questions.
January-September: No questions
Gloria Kunz moved to accept the 2021 proposed budget; seconded by Kerrie Harvey and
passed unanimously.
New Business:
2020 Property Appraisal:
As directed by the Mariner House By-Laws, an assessment of the property must be
conducted by a professional appraiser every 7 years. Mariner House was appraised at
$ 4,300,000 in the 2020 assessment
Extensive discussion included:
o Are there additional ways for owners to monetize their units?
o Criteria for assessment
o Should MH be sold?
o What is the status of MH and similar properties in the current real estate market?
o How does this assessment compare with other Nantucket real estate?
o How did assessor determine use of MH and value of same?
o Rarity of a “‘vacation” property being sold as a single entity
Bill Hathaway briefly outlined the assessment criteria, and summarized the salient facts and
conclusions. The document is 50 pages long and will be placed on the web site for review by
After discussion, Eileen Fox made a motion to provide information to the ownership regarding
the sale of the property and to conduct a non-binding survey to determine position on sale.
Seconded by Elizabeth Thibeault, and passed unanimously
There being no other items for discussion, Marty DeMartino made a motion to adjourn, seconded by
Tom Sambuoo and passed unaninously. The 2020 Annual Owners Meeting of The Mariner House
Association was adjourned at 11 :40 AM>
Respectfully submitted,
Gloria F. Kunz

Dorrett Taylor Moncrieffe
March 6, 1963-April 6, 2021
We lost Dorrett Moncrieffe from complications of Covid on April 6, 2021. Dorrett had worked at
Mariner House for over 20 years. Her passing was a huge loss. Dorrett managed the laundry and the
Friday cleaning. She personally knew many owners. I am sure many of you remember her cheerful
disposition and her amazing smile! She was very talented and was a skilled upholsterer and seamstress.
She is responsible for creating many of the upholstered chairs, slipcovers, bedding and curtains over the
years that decorate Mariner House. She was also a minister of her church, New Life Ministries. Dorrett
had a big heart and continually helped her congregation and those in need. She leaves behind three
daughters, one son, numerous grandchildren and many friends.

Bill Hathaway and his wife Ginney Nelson have been the owners of Columbia 14 since October
1991. He has attended the annual meetings regularly since becoming an owner. He has served
on the Mariner House Condominium Association Board of Directors since 2009, when he was
elected Treasurer. He became the President of the Association in 2010. Bill is retired and
resides in New London, CT.

4786 Old Dominion Drive
Arlington VA 22207
RJ Lyerly is a federal government affairs representative representing the County of Los Angeles,
the largest urban county in the Nation with a population exceeding ten million residents. She is
married to Chip Lyerly, and they are parents to five adult children. They are also property
owners in various locations to include Arlingto~ VA, Rehoboth Beach, DE and various interval
ownerships in Vail, Co and Hilton Head, SC.
Professionally, RJ has been in government service since 1977 when she started her career as a
staff assistant in the US House of Representatives. Since that time, she transitioned into federal
advocacy mostly on behalf of local governments in California. In 2016 she accepted a position
as the chief in-house advocate, to run the federal team for the County of Los Angeles; a County
she represented as a federal consultant for over 16 years.
RJ has five adult children with her husband “Chip” and her oldest daughter, Carrington Lyerly is
also a unit owner of the Mariner House. She hopes that all her children will come to appreciate
the benefits of ownership at Mariner House as weli.
In the way of background, RJ and her parents and siblings immigrated to the United States from
Italy, when she was a child. She moved to Washington, DC out of high school, because she was
offered a position to work in the United States Capitol as a staff assistant to a Member of
Congress. Over the years, she earned a bachelors and master’s degree while working and
supporting herself RJ was able to advance her economic situation, from very, very low income,
through education and by purchasing and renovating properties. While this work was not always
pleasant, particularly when balancing it against a full-time job and school, the combined efforts
brought financial stability, respect for hard work, and an understanding of what it takes to
manage and maintain real estate.
RJ Lyerly is putting herself forward as a candidate for the Mariner House Board, because she
respects and appreciates the historic importance of the Mariner House and seeks to collaborate
with other owners to protect their mutual investment, while benefiting from all the joy and
beauty being in Nantucket brings to our lives.

Owner along with my husband Michael of Prune 10 and Columbia 21 since 2020
Interest in Board position – I see the Mariner House as a true “hidden gem” on the island as a
place to stay, live and experience everything ACK has to offer. I look forward to helping
maintain its historic charm while trying to explore ways to enhance open unit sales, and
Relevant Board experience:
Falmouth Housing Trust, a 501(3)c non-profit organization in Falmouth, MA building affordable
housing and home ownership for low to moderate income families in the community.
Additionally the Trust oversees a sober living home in Falmouth. Currently have been a Board
member for 3 years.
Chapman Ridge Homeowners Association, a neighborhood association of 49 homes in Canton,
MA. Board member for 5 years 1996-2001, where the Board was responsible for overseeing
community pool, landscaping, snow removal and common area improvements.
Work experience:
Retired since 2014, after a 30 year career in :financial services with State Street Bank and Fidelity
Investments both headquartered in Boston. lbe majority of my career was spent as Vice
President in global strategy and operations.

I have 15 years of experience teaching children with special needs in primarily urban public
school settings. I graduated in 1999 from Endicott College with a Bachelors in Business
Management and in 2007 with a Master’s degree in Education from Simmons College. I am a
strong advocate for my students and am passionate about my career.
I reside in Boston with my husband and rescue dog, Schooner. My husband and I were married
on Nantucket and have been owners at The Mariner House since 2015.
I have organized several charitable events as a member of Boston’s Junior League.

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