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A Mariner House Board of Directors meeting was held via telephone conference call on Tuesday, May 17.  Board members present were  Mark Thurston, Gloria Kunz, Eileen Fox, and Tammy Rausch.  A quorum being present, Secretary Gloria Kunz called the meeting to order at 6:05PM.  Tracy Canty also participated.


  • Town news is quite interesting; the following amendments were passed at this year’s town meeting:

-Topless bathing has been approved on all Nantucket beaches

-All fertilizers are banned on Island

-Funds have been approved to move forth with the design of a new mid-island nursing home                    facility.

-Registration for short term rentals has been approved (this does not affect Mariner                    House)

-The Hospital Thrift Store has opened for its 93rd year

  • Daffodil Weekend was very busy and extremely successful
  • Islanders and visitors are looking forward to the upcoming Wine Festival, Book Festival and annual Nantucket Film Festival


  • The results of the survey to determine interest in pursuing the possible sale of Mariner House were discussed. Tracy sent 121 surveys.  There were 34.71% affirmative responses with 65.29% expressing no interest in selling.


  • Air Conditioning: In response to owner queries and requests, the installation of air conditioning at Mariner House was discussed.  The upgrade of Mariner House’s electrical service is cost prohibitive.  However, use of standalone portable units with venting through windows was researched by Bill Steadman and Kevin Dineen.  The electrician believes it is a good proposal. Each apartment has a 60 amp service and the portable A.C. units could be a good solution to the air conditioning concern. However, careful monitoring and usage of electric will be necessary to avoid excessive popping of circuit breakers.  It will also be necessary to monitor electric usage and cost.  Eileen Fox moved to authorize purchase an appropriate number of units; seconded by Gloria Kunz and passed unanimously.


There being no new business or items for discussion, Tammy Rausch moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:41 p.m., seconded by Eileen Fox and passed unanimously.  The next Board meeting will be held Tuesday, June 21, 2022 at 6:00 PM EST.


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