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Mariner House Board of Directors Meeting November 15, 2022


A Mariner House Board of Directors meeting was held via telephone conference call on Tuesday, November 15, 2022.  All Board members were present excepting Gloria Kunz and Tammy Rausch ; President Bill Hathaway called the meeting to order at 6:03PM.  Tracy Canty also participated.


  • Mariner House was busy in October with 83% occupancy. October weather was beautiful.  Downtown is quieter.  The island is preparing for President Biden’s Thanksgiving arrival.
  • Bill Steadman is talking with a mason in regards to putting the needed anchors in the foundation.
  • Attorney Joe Guay is working on numerous interval sales
    • Eisenmann A14 To Tegtmeier.
    • Hubbard E20 to Tegtmeier.
    • Mckew B16 to Tettemer.
    • Harkins/Kestler B13, B14, B15 to Helton/McCue.
    • MHA D11 to Lisa St. Clair Harvey.
    • MHA C18 to Hitchcock.
  • Cabinet samples ordered for Columbia. Gloria Kunz made cabinet and counter selections and is communicating with Columbia owners.
  • Tracy is preparing the maintenance fee mailing to be sent in December.



  • Discussion in regards to Mariner House insurance coverage ensued. Eileen Fox suggested speaking with our Insurance agent to inquire what the different levels of deductibles could be and how it would impact the premium. Tracy Canty will follow up with Susan Dragon, the Mariner House insurance agent and report back to the BOD.



  • Appointment of BOD officers has been differed until the December meeting.


Being no further business, Mark Thurston moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:26; seconded by Eileen Fox.



Tracy Canty 11/16/22

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