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Mariner House Board of Directors Meeting December 20, 2022


A Mariner House Board of Directors meeting was held via telephone conference call on Tuesday, January 17, 2023.  Board members present were Eileen Fox, Kerrick Harvey, Bill Hathaway, Gloria Kunz and Tammy Rausch.  A quorum being present, President Bill Hathaway called the meeting to order at 6:01PM.  Tracy Canty also participated.


  • Mariner House was busy in December with 70% occupancy. As usual, January has been quite slow.
  • The town has widened the Centre Street sidewalks.
  • Easy Street Cantina is closing. There is no news on a replacement; hopefully, it will be kept as a restaurant.
  • All interval sales and transfers have been completed. B 13, 14, 15, 16 and 20; A13 and E20 and D11 have been sold.  B12 is currently the only Association held intervals.  The sale of C18 is progressing; there is interest in B12.
  • Columbia cabinets been ordered; painting is in process.
  • Everything needed for shoring up the foundation on the India Street side has been purchased. A contractor has been hired.
  • Maintenance fee payments continue to come in.
  • 1099s will be sent to owners who had rental income.


  • Insurance continues to be an issue. Many carriers are pulling out and will no longer provide coverage for the East Coast.  All costs are going up; the previous quote received from our agent is no longer valid.  Tracy will follow up with Susan Dragon, the Mariner House insurance agent .
  • A decision was made that the position of Vice-President is unnecessary.



  • However, Eileen Fox noted that it has become difficult to make ferry reservations for vehicles.


There being no further business, Eileen Fox moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:15; seconded by Gloria Kunz.


Respectfully submitted,


Gloria Kunz


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