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Mariner House Board of Directors Meeting March 21, 2023


A Mariner House Board of Directors meeting was held via telephone conference call on Tuesday, March 21, 2023.  Mark Thurston, Gloria Kunz, Eileen Fox, Tammy Rausch, Kerrric Harvey, and Bill Hathaway attended.  A quorum being present, the meeting was called to order at 6:07PM.  Tracy Canty also participated.


  • Island News:

-February was very quiet at Mariner House as well as the Island.

-Year-round housing continues to be a major issue.

-Unknown attackers penetrated the Island school system’s information technology environment.

-The Boarding House and The Pearl are re-opening next month.

-A new restaurant is replacing Easy Street Cantina.

-The popular retail store, Island Variety on Old South Road, is for sale.

-Town investigating use of former youth hostel for affordable housing

  • Mariner House:

-Renovations for Columbia kitchen continue.  Additional work needed on inside wall to bring pipes and electrical to code.  Cabinet prices have changed since original code, resulting in project being over budget.  Exact cost is unknown at this point.  Completion close to original schedule is expected.

-Foundation work delayed because of bad weather; should be completed by mid-April.

-Defiance 22 and Fame 11 sold.

-Foreclosures on C12,13,and 20; D13, F13 and E23 are still outstanding.



  • Questions remain regarding building insurance. As previously noted, the previous cost to increase coverage is no longer valid.  Insurers are increasingly reluctant to insure any coastal properties and customers are being forced to secure coverage from several different underwriters for properties exceeding $ 2MM in value.  Tracy will meet with Susan Dragon to ascertain advice regarding insurance coverage limits, strategy for renewal application, and policy layering.




There being no further business, Eileen Fox moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Tammy Rausch.  The meeting was adjourned at


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