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Mariner House Board of Directors Meeting May 16, 2023


A Mariner House Board of Directors meeting was held via telephone conference call on Tuesday, May 16, 2023. Gloria Kunz, Eileen Fox, Tammy Rausch and Bill Hathaway attended.  A quorum being present, the meeting was called to order at 6:03 PM.  Tracy Canty also participated.


  • Island News:

-Daffodil Weekend was extremely successful.

-Town Meeting Topics:

  1. Short term rental policy which would have required owners to live in the house being rented was not passed
  2. Permanent tax override to benefit affordable housing was passed
  3. Law to decrease amount of ambient lighting outside is under consideration


-Black Eyed Susan’s has been purchased by the owners of Proprietors. It will be open for dinner only.

-Stars Ice cream shop has undergone extensive renovations.

-FIGAWI is back for 2023.

-The Beach Side Resort is expanding.  A new pool will be installed, additional guestrooms and a restaurant which will serve guests only will be built.

  • Mariner House

-Mariner House occupancy was 46%.

-India Street foundation repair is complete.

-Insurance for Mariner House was secured through Lloyds of London, for a cost of $18,666, a substantial increase over last year, which was $ 12,700. As previously noted, insurers are reluctant to insure coastal properties.

-The Columbia kitchen renovation has been well-received.

-A new sofa purchased for Barstow

-Spring deep cleaning of all units is progressing, flower boxes are up, and air-conditioning units are to be installed shortly.

-Dunning notices have gone out to those owners who are delinquent in fee payment.

-Rentals are slower this year.  Nothing from Nantucket Accommodations or VRBO.



-No progress on foreclosures of C12,13,and 20; D13, F13 and E23.  Our attorney is planning to retire and is looking for a replacement to handle the foreclosures.




  • Eileen Fox made a motion to hold monthly meetings via Zoom on a trial basis with assistance of Board Member Bob Vanasse. Gloria Kunz seconded.


There being no further business, Eileen Fox moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Tammy Rausch, and passed unanimously.  The meeting was adjourned at 6:24PM.


Respectfully submitted,


Gloria Kunz


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