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Mariner House Board of Directors Meeting June 20, 2023

A Mariner House Board of Directors meeting was held via Zoom teleconference on Tuesday, June 20, 2023.  All Board members were present.  President Bill Hathaway called the meeting to order at 6:02PM.  Tracy Canty also participated.


  • Island News:

-The Island is extremely busy.

-The Nantucket Book Festival was successful

-The beach at 40th Pole is closed for protection of Piping Plovers (A protected species)

-Summer House has been barred from re-opening because of code violations

-A basement fire resulting in temporary closing of the Gaslight

-143 young people graduated from Nantucket High School

-June 1-September 30 parking ordinances have commenced

-Island rentals are down 25%.  It is felt that Island vendors and properties are pricing out middle income visitors, and with the relaxation of COVID restrictions, tourists are seeking other vacation venues.

-Road safety is becoming a concern.  There have been a myriad of traffic accidents as well as excessive speeding violations this season.

  • Mariner House:

-Mariner House had 88% occupancy in May

-Fencing around the trash area is complete.  PVC material was used for ease of maintenance.

-Air Conditioning units are in.  There are still some circuit breaker issues, which are addressed on an “as needed” basis.


  • The search for another lawyer to handle MH issues and foreclosures continues. Joseph Guay intends to retire.
  • A document assuring exclusive rights to occupy Essex 23 with be provided to the interested party wishing to purchase the interval upon completion of foreclosure.




  • The marketing of Mariner House was discussed. Current avenues of marketing include membership in the Nantucket Chamber of Commerce, the MH web site, brochures, and VRBO.  Previous investigations into to other marketing venues, including advertising in various publications, were rejected because of the excessive cost. Since so few intervals are available for sale at this time, it was suggested that marketing may be unnecessary at this time.
  • Is it possible and feasible to create a community among owners? Perhaps a topic for future discussion.


The next Board meeting will be held via Zoom on July 18 at 6:00 PM.


There being no further business, Gloria Kunz moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Kerric Harvey, and passed unanimously.  The meeting was adjourned at 6:27 PM.


Respectfully submitted,


Gloria Kunz



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