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Mariner House Board of Directors Meeting July 18, 2023


A Mariner House Board of Directors meeting was held via Zoom teleconference on Tuesday, June 20, 2023.  All Board members were present, excepting Bob Vanasse and Mark Thurston.  A quorum being present, President Bill Hathaway called the meeting to order at 6:02PM.  Tracy Canty also participated.


  • Island News:

-The Island is extremely busy with all summer activities in full sway.

-Island rentals continue to be down.  As previously stated, excessive prices on Nantucket have priced out middle income visitors.

-Road safety continues to be a concern, with increasing bike and auto accidents.

-Nantucket is searching for a new Police chief.

-Pedi Cabs have been approved for downtown operation. (Editorial comment:  On cobblestones? Should be fun.)

-Most restaurants are up and running, including Black Eyed Susan’s.

-Summer House is closed.

  • Mariner House:

-Mariner House had 83% occupancy in June.  As with the rest of Nantucket, our rentals are down.

– Some damage was caused to Defiance as a result of a leaking air conditioner.  This issue has been resolved.  There are no issues with air conditioners in other units.

-Maintenance problems are being handled on an as needed basis.

-There was some discussion regarding the replacement of worn carpets with more modern and easy care flooring alternatives.


  • The search for another lawyer to handle MH issues and foreclosures continues.
  • Still awaiting document assuring exclusive rights to occupy and purchase Essex 23 upon completion of foreclosure.




  • October 21 has been set for the 2023 Annual Meeting.


Respectfully submitted,


Gloria Kunz



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