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Mariner House Board of Directors Meeting, September 19, 2023


A Zoom-based Mariner House Board of Directors meeting was held on Tuesday, September 19, 2023. Eileen Fox, Tammy Rausch, Bob Vanasse, Mark Thurston, and Kerric Harvey were in attendance when Tammy Rausch called the meeting to order at 6:02 PM.  Gloria Kunz and Bill Hathaway joined the meeting later.  Tracy Canty also participated.


Island News

  • Hurricane Lee left the island relatively unscathed. Wind was fierce, and some scallop seed was stranded harborside
  • A report by Firefighter Cancer Consultants, and organization specializing in assessing and providing guidance to fire departments around the country, found that the Nantucket Fire Department is “critically undermanned” putting its firefighters’ lives at risk. Nantucket fire chief Michael Cranson reportedly dismissed that conclusion.
  • And from the sublime to the ridiculous, our First Lady, Jill Biden, was on Island last month (see previous minutes). This month, the notorious Island visitor was Scott Burke, owner of the yacht JessConn, who was arraigned on charges of trafficking cocaine, possessing to distribute a class A drug, possessing a firearm without an FID card, and numerous other transgressions.


Mariner House Update


  • August 2023 saw a 96% occupancy rate at Mariner House.
  • Bill Steadman continues to handle normal maintenance issues.
  • As previously reported, the air conditioning units are functioning well.
  • There will be two Board positions open for a three-year term commencing in 2024.


Old Business


  • There is no unfinished business from the last Board Meeting.
  • At this time, Tracy has been unsuccessful in finding a replacement for Joe Guay. Until such time, Joe has agreed to continue representation of Mariner House and to work on the existing foreclosures.  At present, eight intervals are in foreclosure and two are for sale.


New Business


  • The Mariner House Annual Owners Meeting will be held on October 21, 2023 at 12 noon in the Harborview Conference Room at the Hyannis Hy-Line. Notices will be sent to owners this coming week. Also included in the owners’ packet will be minutes from the 2022 meeting, the Operating and Capital Proposed Budgets, Proxy Forms, and resumes of those owners running for the two open seats on the Board.
  • The proposed budgets (operating and capital) were reviewed. Note that budget approval is the responsibility of the ownership.
  • Several lines on the operating budget are increased because of current economic status and general price increases. These include postage, cost of a storage unit to house required records and documents, utilities, fuel, cable TV and legal fees.
  • Mariner House had a slight surplus in operating expenses for 2022. Bill Hathaway moved that this surplus be deposited to the MH Emergency Fund, seconded by Eileen Fox and passed unanimously.
  • Kerrick Harvey moved to accept the proposed operating budget, seconded by Bob Vanasse and passed unanimously.
  • Capital projects include:

-Replacement of front door

-Carpeting for Fame

-WiFi Upgrade

-Appliance replacement

-Exterior Painting

  • Capital projects for future consideration include:

-Replacement of windows (must adhere to HDC standards)

-Replacement of shades and blinds

  • Replacement of cable service with smart TVs, as well as alternative streaming methods, will be investigated.
  • There being no more new business, Gloria Kunz made a motion to adjourn, which was seconded by Bill Hathaway. The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
  • The next Mariner House Board of Directors meeting will be held, via Zoom, at 6:00 p.m. on October 17, 2023. Bob Vanasse will provide Zoom ID prior to the meeting.



Respectfully submitted,

Gloria Kunz


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