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Mariner House Board of Directors Meeting, October 17, 2023

A Zoom-based Mariner House Board of Directors meeting was held on Tuesday, October 17, 2023. Eileen Fox, Tammy Rausch, Bob Vanasse, Gloria Kunz and Bill were in attendance.  A quorum being president, President Bill Hathaway called the meeting to order at 6:03 PM.  Tracy Canty also participated.


Island News

  • Scalloping fishermen are “aging out”, and not being replaced by younger individuals.
  • A home in Monomoy was sold for $ 42MM, breaking the Massachusetts real estate sales record.
  • Jody Casper, current North Hampton MA police chief, has been named the new police chief of Nantucket.
  • NRTA will be employing two fully electrical buses for the Mid-Town and Downtown loops.
  • The Maria Mitchell Association purchased 233 Washington Street for its Observatory expansion.
  • The Anglers’ Club has purchased the Tidal Creek Marine Store, in anticipation of a future relocation.
  • Environmentalist are hoping to halt The Vineyard Wind Turbine project.
  • And finally, President and Mrs. Biden will again spend Thanksgiving on Nantucket.


Mariner House Update


  • September Mariner House occupancy was 70%.
  • Bill Steadman continues to handle normal maintenance issues.
  • A new fire alarm panel was installed to replace the obsolete system which often randomly triggered unnecessary alarms. Funds were taken out of the emergency fund to cover the cost.
  • Replacement of gutters on both the Center and India Street, as well as over the front door will begin late fall. Originally, only one gutter was noted in the Capital Plan.  However, serious deterioration of the other makes it necessary to do both.  The gutter will be one continuous piece of 3” copper with copper downspouts.  This will prevent any leakage and ease installation.  Bill Hathaway moved to accept the $ 11,650 quote, seconded by Eileen Fox and approved unanimously.
  • There will be two Board positions open for a three-year term commencing in 2024. Six owners have indicated their intent to run.  Eileen Fox has withdrawn her name.



Old Business


  • There is no unfinished business from the last Board Meeting.


New Business


The Mariner House Annual Owners Meeting will be held on October 21, 2023 at 12 noon in the Harborview Conference Room at the Hyannis Hy-Line.  At this writing, 10 owners have indicated they will attend in person.

Phone Conference Option;
Mariner House 2023
Oct 21, 2023, 10:30 AM – 2:30 PM (America/New York)

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
Access Code: 861-145-101
United States: +1 (872) 240-3311

Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:

  • -Tracy has received a sufficient number of proxies to insure a quorum

-Bill Hathaway moved that proxies returned without voting for Board members be recorded as abstentions.  Eileen Fox seconded; approved unanimously.

-The annual Special Assessment fee will be added to the budget.

-Owners attending via Go To Meeting will be asked to identify themselves prior to speaking or asking questions.

  • There was extended discussion on the new WiFi replacement Mesh system. The vendor will be contacted to assure that location of the units be unobtrusive and inaccessible to all but authorized personnel.
  • Briefly discussed were other possible options to save money.


  • There being no more new business, Bill Hathaway made a motion to adjourn, which was seconded by Gloria Kunz. The meeting was adjourned at 7:11 p.m.
  • The next Mariner House Board of Directors meeting will be held, via Zoom, at 6:00 p.m. on November 14, 2023. Bob Vanasse will provide Zoom ID prior to the meeting.


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