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Mariner House Board of Director Meeting Minutes- March 19, 2024


The meeting was called to order by President Bill Hathaway’s at 7:02 P.M.  All Board members were present.  Property Manager, Tracy Canty, also paricipateed.


Island news:

  • Sad news, as a Nantucket HS Senior was killed in an auto accident.
  • A Rain Garden is planned for Easton St. to address flooding.
  • Steamship Authority commuter books are now available.


Mariner House News:


  • February occupancy was 29%, mainly RCI exchanges.
  • New appliances have been installed in all units.
  • Barstow Defiance & Fame now have over range microwaves.
  • The new front door is to be installed this week.
  • Painting will commence soon.
  • Foreclosures are moving forward.
  • A12 and A14 have been sold; B10 and D10 are for sale.
  • Smart TVs will be purchased for all units.



Continued discussion  regarding replacement of existing MH internal network with wireless mesh. Tracy still had not received a viable proposal from Nantucket Networks.  Our goal is to create a stable internet connection, as well as reduce the ongoing cost of providing service. It was suggested that a parallel network be installed on a trial basis determine feasibility.  Item tabled until next meeting to come up with a plan and cost/benefit analysis



  • After discussion on possibility of wall-mounting TV sets, it was determined that, because of installation and potential wiring complexities as well as available wall space, location of TV sets will remain as is.


There being no further items for discussion, Bob Vanasse moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:54, seconded by Gloria Kunz.


The next Mariner House Board of Director’s meeting will be held on April at 7:00 P.M.


Respectfully submitted,


Gloria F. Kunz


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