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May 21, 2024 BOD Meeting


Island News;

  • Weather has been cold, drizzly and overcast
  • Roads are finally being paved and opened
  • SSA has had many boat cancellations due to staffing shortages and mechanical issues Electrical Cable #2 was down for two weeks causing concern. National grid brought in 11 massive generators to ensure continued service. It has recently been brought back on line. Daffodil and wine festival weekend has kicked off the 2024 season and were well attended
  • Memorial weekend is fast approaching, next weekend
  • There have been a few brush fires on island off of milestone road and old south road. They have found cooking equipment at the Old South Road site.
  • The Select Board approved a 17% taxi rate and the expansion of the pedicab service from 2 pedicabs to 4. They also approved an increase operation area to Cisco brewers and up to milestone rotary for the pedicab. Pedicabs will now be fare based not gratuity based.

Mariner House News;

  • 42% usage in April
  • Exterior India side painting is complete and looks fantastic
  • New front door trim is currently being painted
  • New 43 in and 40 ” smart tv’s have been installed in all units C. units are being installed again
  • OLD BUSINESS; WIFI AT MARINER HOUSE; I have spoken with the comcast rep for the island.

We can increase our band with to 100/20 from our current 35/5. The cost per month will be

$608.95 with the hospitality promotion discount of $150/month. Currently we are paying $630.80/mth. A $21.89 savings per month

  • NEW BUSINESS; SHORT TERM RENTAL; Town meeting was May 7th and ran for 3 nights. The hot topic was the STR situation on the island.

o Article 59-0ff note Article 59 was not passed. Voters rejected the changing of the zoning code to make all STR’s a legal primary use island wide.

  • Article 60 was adopted- It bas corporate owned STR’s and removes the legacy protection for current corporate STR’s. There was an amendment passed that will allow timeshare units to provide an alternative proof of rental aside from the short term rental tax for exemption. This article will affect Mariner House o I am continuing business as usual
  • The next town meeting is expected to be held Sept. 17, at which time residents are expected to again take up zoning for short-term rentals.

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