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June 18, 2024  MARINER HOUSE BOD Meeting


Meeting was brought to order at 7:03 by President Bill Hathaway.

Bill Hathaway, Tammy Rausch, Kerric Harvey, Bob Vanasse and Ranelle Brew were in attendance.

Tracy Canty; Property manager presented her report;

Island news;

  • SSA still having boat cancellations due to staffing shortages and mechanical issues
  • Nantucket Boys lacrosse team won the division 4 state championship against Sandwich 7/6
  • NHA had graduating class of 125
  • Book festival well attended last week, ended on Sunday
  • DUI’s are up 40% on the island due to “more proactive stops” by the NPD
  • NOAA new ferry speed regulations;

The Town of Nantucket issued an urgent public plea on Friday, one echoed by the island’s boat lines and business owners. Officials are asking for the public’s help in preventing the federal government from implementing strict new speed limits for large boats to and from the island. Town officials say the proposed new speed limit, which would be in effect from November through May, could have a “devastating impact…on the economy and the people of Nantucket.” As we noted a week ago, a federal proposal to slow down allowable speeds by larger oceangoing boats in our region, during certain months of the year, is “gaining traction” in Washington, DC, as according to The Inquirer and Mirror. The proposed regulations are designed “to further reduce the likelihood of mortalities and serious injuries to endangered right whales from vessel collisions, which are a leading cause of the species’ decline,” according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), which proposed the new regulations in late 2022. Steamship Authority CEO Robert Davis said the move would “negate all fast ferry service from Nov. 1 through May 30, and add 30 minutes to slow-boat trips, which in turn would only allow for two round trips per day instead of three,” reported the I&M.

  • HDC not approving the :new downtown” sparks avenue complex ( 2 buildings, bowling alley, retails shops and apartments. HDC deems the project hugely oversized and inappropriate and is requesting revisions.
  • Clam Shack has opened on Straight Wharf, Millies at the rotary is opened.

Mariner House News;

  • May 70% occupancy
  • Old news; Wi-Fi upgrade has been completed.  We will see how the season goes.
  • Portable A.C. units have been installed for the season in all of the units
  • Rentals are a bit quieter this year. Less inquiries through website and VRBO
  • Trend is not a full week stay, more like 3 or 4 nights. The more flexibility owners have the better chances of a rental.

Bill Hathaway announced that he will not be seeking reelection when his term is up at year’s end.  The BOD will need to discuss who will take over as President once Bill steps down.  Bill was thanked by Tracy and the BOD for serving as President for the last 14 years and as treasurer before that.


Two board seats are up for election at this year’s owners meeting.  Any owner interested in running for the BOD should submit a brief biography to be shared with the owners.  Please share with us any pertinent experience that you feel could benefit the Mariner House should you become a Board member.  We respectfully ask that the information be kept to one page and be submitted to Tracy Canty by mail, email or fax. The Board of Directors looks forward to strengthening the Board with new members and working together on behalf of the owners.

Being there were no additional items for discussion Kerric Harvey moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:15, seconded by Bob Vanasse.


The next BOD meeting will be held on July 16th at 7 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted

Tracy Canty

Property Manager

56 Cato Lane, Nantucket  MA  02554

508 680 1082 P

508 825 0881 F

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