A Mariner House Board of Directors meeting was held via telephone conference call on Tuesday, April 19. Board members present were Kerric Harvey, Eileen Fox, Tammy Rausch and Gloria Kunz. A quorum being present, Secretary Gloria Kunz called the meeting to order at 6:00PM. Tracy Canty also participated. PROPERTY MANAGER REPORT Covid infections seem […]
MINUTES: MARINER HOUSE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING: FEBRUARY 15, 2022 A Mariner House Board of Directors meeting was held via telephone conference call on Tuesday, February 15. All Board members, with the exception of Tammy Rausch, were present. President Bill Hathaway called the meeting to order at 6:02PM. Tracy Canty also participated. PROPERTY MANAGER REPORT […]
The first Mariner House Board of Directors meeting of 2022 was held via telephone conference call on Tuesday, January 18. All Board members were present. Tammy Rausch was welcomed as a new Board member. A quorum being established, President Bill Hathaway called the meeting to order at 6:02PM. Tracy Canty also participated. PROPERTY MANAGER […]
MARINER HOUSE OWNER MEETING PROXY FORM If you cannot attend the Annual Meeting being held on October 16, 2021, to ensure your views are represented please sign and return the proxy below by email to themarinerhouse@comcast.net. by mail to Canty Property Management, 56 Cato Lane, Nantucket, MA 02554, or fax it to {508} 825-0881. Please […]
A Mariner House Board of Directors meeting was held via Conference on Tuesday, August 10, 2021. Board members present were Bill Hathaway, Kerric Harvey, Eileen Fox, Gloria Kunz, and Elizabeth Jackson. Property Manager Tracy Canty also attended. A quorum being present, President Bill Hathaway called the meeting to order at 5:05 pm. Eileen Fox moved […]
A Mariner House Board of Directors meeting was held via Conference on Tuesday, July 13, 2021. All Board members were present with the exception of Marty DeMartino. Property Manager Tracy Canty also attended. President Bill Hathaway called the meeting was called to order at 5:10 pm. Elizabeth Jackson moved to accept the March minutes; seconded […]
Present: Eileen Fox, Kerric Harvey, Bill Hathaway, Elizabeth Jackson, and Mark Thurston. Tracy Canty, Property Manager, also attended. A quorum being reached, Bill Hathaway called the meeting to order at 5:05 pm. Absent: Gloria Kunz (medical), Marty DeMartino PROPERTY MANAGER REPORT: Nantucket is starting to get busy and Mariner House along with it. […]
Present: Eileen Fox, Kerric Harvey, Bill Hathaway, Elizabeth Jackson, and Mark Thurston. Tracy Canty, Property Manager, also attended. A quorum being reached, Bill Hathaway called the meeting to order at 5:05 pm. Absent: Gloria Kunz (medical), Marty DeMartino PROPERTY MANAGER REPORT: Nantucket is starting to get busy and Mariner House along with it. Tracy […]
Mariner House 2020 appraisal