A Mariner House Board of Directors meeting was held via telephone conference call on Tuesday, April 19. Board members present were Kerric Harvey, Eileen Fox, Tammy Rausch and Gloria Kunz. A quorum being present, Secretary Gloria Kunz called the meeting to order at 6:00PM. Tracy Canty also participated.
- Covid infections seem to be spiking, especially at the schools. Like the rest of the country, there are mask issues.
- Nantucket weather has been windy and cold, although things are opening up in spite of the weather.
- Flower boxes are in. Bill Stedman is dealing with minor repair and maintenance issues.
- Construction on island is extremely busy. The gutter project scheduled for Mariner House will be delayed until 2023. Essentially, the Island workforce is concentrating on other more lucrative projects.
- Daffodil Weekend will be held the last weekend of April.
- Both high speed ferries are operational.
- Joseph Guay continues to pursue an expeditious method of dealing with intervals in foreclosure.
- The Aurora renovation is complete. Owner response has been extremely positive. Because of support beam and sub-floor issues unknown until work actually commenced, the project is approximately $6,000 over budget.
- Lola Burger and Faregrounds restaurants are for sale. There is a new restaurant at the airport.
- The Board reviewed and approved the non-binding survey which will be sent to owners regarding interest in selling Mariner House.
There being no new business or items for discussion, Eileen Fox moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:39 p.m., seconded by Tammy Rausch and passed unanimously.