A Mariner House Board of Directors meeting was held via telephone conference call on Tuesday, June 21. Board members present were Bill Hathaway, Gloria Kunz, Eileen Fox, Kerric Harvey and Tammy Rausch. A quorum being present, President Bill Hathaway called the meeting to order at 6:00PM. Tracy Canty also participated.
- Nantucket is busy with lots of traffic. However, rental inquiries are quiet this year, as it seems that people are traveling to other places. Trend is a 3-4 night stay for rentals, rather than a full week. Historically, weeks after July 4 are usually soft weeks. Mariner House advertises in VRBO, Home Away, Nantucket Accommodations, and the Mariner House website.
- Six well-known and popular restaurants are not opening this year: The Boarding House, LOLA Burger, the Pearl, Black-Eyed Susan’s, 56 Union and Keepers. Rumors include lack of chefs/sous chefs, new owners, buildings being sold, etc. The Brotherhood is open, albeit without cheddar soup.
- Special assessment funds have been transferred from the Money Market account to the Capital Fund.
- Bill Stedman is investigating an occasional leak in the window abutting the outside stairs in the Aurora bedroom. This could potentially become a major issue, possibly involving removal of clapboard under the outside stairs.
- Air conditioning units are installed. Well-received, but it has not been that hot. There are no circuit issues so far.
There being no new business or other items for discussion, Tammy Rausch moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:20 p.m., seconded by Eileen Fox and passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Gloria Kunz